Round table
The round table was devoted to the anniversary of the teacher, scientist Lyazzat Usmanovyna Abenova.
As Magzhan Zhumabaev said, "If the best of the six Alashes come together, the place in the fourth belongs to the teacher." Lyazzat Usmanovyna Abenova, along with teaching, is a person who is fulfilling her civic duty in the way of teaching all her talents to students. He graduated from one of the largest educational institutions of the country, Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov - now Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, majoring in "Philologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature and Arabic language". In 2010, he defended his candidate's thesis on the specialty of Kazakh literature on 10.01.02 at KazNU named after Al-Farabi.
Currently, Zhumabek Akhmetuliy Tashenev is working as a scientific secretary and an associate professor of the "Languages and Literature" department. He is the author of many scientific articles and works with his own signature in the field of literary studies. In particular, he was recognized for his work in turning many students into specialists in his field, and his knowledge and skills were appreciated. It is true that along with the award, the teacher, who stands above all the good things of life, is measured by the fact that his students are among the desirable citizens of the country.
Zhumabek Akhmetuliy Tashenev University held a round table "CORE PROBLEMS OF LITERARY SCIENCE IN THE XXI CENTURY" on the occasion of the anniversary of Lazzat Usmanovyna Abenova.
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Onalbai Ayashev awarded and honored the owner of the anniversary, which was also an example of humanity and morality. The scientific round table was conducted by Arzymbetova Sholpan Zhaksylykyvna, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, University named after J.A. Tashenev.
The guests of the round table, Associate Professor Sulushash Bekmyrza wrote a dedication, the poet Marzhan Yeszhanova wrote a dedication, and the speaker focused on the scientific research of Associate Professor Karlygash Saparbaeva Lazzat Usmankyva.
Dean of the Faculty of "Philology", Ph.D., associate professor Amangeldi Mamyt, Ph.D. senior teacher Abdijalil Akkozov, Ph.D., associate professor Zylikha Zhantasova sent their best wishes to the owner of the anniversary.
The education and morals of the anniversary evening, where the wishes of students and colleagues were expressed, increased as a reflection of the unity and solidarity of the university team.