Help delivered
5 trucks of humanitarian aid from 5 universities in Shymkent were delivered to the West Kazakhstan region for flood victims. Chairman of the Board-Rector of the WKU named after M. Utemisov Nurlan Sergaliev personally met with employees of the universities named after Zhumabek Tashenov, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Uzbekali Zhanibekov, Shymkent University, Central Asian Innovation University, Peoples' Friendship University named after academician A. Kuatbekov, who arrived to deliver assistance.
“We thank you for not standing aside and providing support in the difficulties that our region has faced! Overcoming 2000 kilometers is also not an easy task. Thank you to the residents for the kindness and support that you provided to the residents of WKO!” said N. Sergaliev.
Also, the rector of the university N. Sergaliev presented letters of gratitude to the heads of universities who extended a helping hand. Welcoming the team, the vice-rector of the university Zh. Tasheneva, member of the National Academy of Law Galymzhan Bitursyn and the head of the department of educational work and youth policy of the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Uzbekali Zhanibekov Kairat Anarbaev visited the sites of flood control measures and, together with student youth, took part in the construction of the dam. By inspiring the youth, we will bless the students who work tirelessly for the good of the Motherland.
Our strength is in unity!