"Fundamentals and Features of Pop Vocals" - a practical open lesson
12/10/2024 Diana Ravilievna Khashimkhanova, a teacher of the Music and Singing Department of the Sports and Arts Faculty, held a practical open lesson on the topic "Fundamentals and Features of Pop Vocals" in the subject "Composition" with 1st-year students of the PiK-24-4k group in room 212. The open lesson was held at a very high level. During the opening of the topic, the teacher explained to the students that pop vocals are a combination of many song styles and combine different musical genres, the musical form of pop songs is usually a verse, and explained the motive of their harmonious form. The teacher focused on each sound and its role during the performance of the song, and was able to individually analyze its meaning and role. This topic was very interesting and understandable to the students. Several voice exercises were used in the lesson. The vocal features of these songs were performed, clearly demonstrated and explained to the students. The lesson was very exciting and interesting.