International scientific and practical online conference "Al-Farabi's heritage in the world spiritual space"
"Syrdariya" University invites you to take part in the international scientific and practical online conference "Al-Farabi's heritage in the world spiritual space" dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi ", which will be held on November 27, 2020.
Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.
The purpose of the conference is to promote the ideas of the great thinker, scientist-philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi, to develop the spiritual, moral and intellectual culture of modern Kazakhstani society, to popularize the intellectual heritage in the country and countries of near and far abroad.
The conference will be held in the following areas:
- Humanitarian sciences
- Natural Sciences
- Pedagogical Sciences
- Economic Sciences and Jurisprudence
Requirements for participation in the conference.
Conference materials will be published as a scientific collection.
Please send the text of the article to the e-mail address of the organizing committee until November 20, 2020 (file name: section number, surname of the first author); application for publication of the article (application form is attached); payment receipt (by mail - electronic (scanned) version).
The conference registration fee is 3000 tenge.
When preparing an article, we ask the authors to be guided by the following rules.
The text of an article up to 5 pages in length is typed in Microsoft Word with the following parameters: Font Times New Roman, 14 point size, paragraph - 1.0; line spacing is single.
Margins: left - 25 mm, the rest - 20 mm, pages are not numbered. References in the text by serial number in the list of sources are indicated in square brackets [1, p. 256].
Annotation in Kazakh and English (if the article is in Russian), in Russian and English (if the article is in Kazakh), in Kazakh and Russian (if the article is in English). The bibliography is drawn up at the end of the work through the line as cited.
The text of the report is printed in the author's edition. The organizing committee is not responsible for grammatical and stylistic errors in the content of the submitted materials.
The organizing committee has the right to reject materials that do not meet the stated requirements or are submitted later than the specified period (November 20, 2020).
The costs of travel to the conference will be borne by the participants and the sending organization.
The address of the organizing committee: 160500, Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhetysay, M. Auezov street 11, educational building "A" of the University "Syrdariya", office 3.
Phone for inquiries: 8/725 34 / 6-26-93, +7 7029346492
Bank details of the "Syrdariya" University:
RNN 580400006905
p / cKZ926010291000013026
BIN 980340002287
KBE 17 CPN 859
JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"
Address: Zhetysay, st. M.Auezova, 14
Tel: 8 (72534) 6-20-41