Ethical code
We, the students of the Tashenev University, based on the universally recognized moral values, highlighting the mission of the Tashenev University, are committed to compliance with the rules of business and common ethics, at the same time, developing a personal and professional level, contributing to the University of prosperity in order to creating the necessary conditions for the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of active life position, we accept students of the University Code of conduct Tashenev.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Code of Conduct defines the aesthetic standards of university students "Tashenev".
1.2. The main mission of the university students "Tashenev" is:
- Become an expert in demand;
- Take a worthy participation in cultural, social, economic and political life of the country.
1.3. The student is obliged to protect and increase the prestige of the university.
2. Ethical standards and rules of behavior of students at the university
2.1. Mutual respect. The student must follow the rules of mutual courtesy and respect for the faculty, staff and other students.
2.2. Integrity. Strictly observe the schedule of the educational process. Attend mandatory training sessions, to perform in a timely manner all kinds of tasks provided by the curriculum and educational programs. The student must do all it can to achieve good results in their studies.
2.3. Discipline. The student should be disciplined, neatly dressed. Stay in school buildings in street clothes. Actions university students as stealing someone else's property, being in a university in a state of intoxication, drinking, smoking in the building, in front of the building, are not allowed. The academic buildings are prohibited loud conversations, noise, and other actions that impede the learning process. In between training sessions, students relax in designated areas (gardens, halls, etc.). Talking on cell phones in the classroom and in the library, chewing, offer to show desire, sexual feelings and impulses are flatly contradictory ethical standards.
2.4.Punktualnost. Entrance students in the audience after the start of the course is prohibited before the break. It is unacceptable in and out of the classroom during training sessions.
2.5. Activity. The student must take an active part in the educational, social and sports life of the university.
2.6. Thrift. Carefully and gently apply to tangible property not cause damage to buildings, furniture and other equipment of educational buildings, laboratories, dormitories, do not write on the tables and other places; The student must carefully handle the library of the University Foundation.
2.7.Otvetstvennost. According to the Charter of the university student has certain rights and obligations, shall be individually responsible for compliance with the principles of conduct of this Code.
3. The student's relationship with the teachers and the university administration.
3.1. Student in the prescribed manner may refer to the manual for the educational and social activities.
3.2. Observe the rules of ethics, honesty and trust to achieve tact.
4. The relationship between the university students
4.1 The relationship between the students of the university are based on relationships, trust, cooperation, mutual understanding and cooperation.
4.2 A student must be attentive and considerate towards other students, students are not allowed to talk to each other professional or public criticism of human qualities to other students.
5. Conclusion
5.1 The provisions of this Code are required for the application and compliance of all university students regardless of the form of training. It is aimed at the formation of highly qualified specialists, capable to take a worthy participation in cultural, social, economic and political life of the Republic.
5.2 In accordance with the principles of personal responsibility and management of the university has the right in respect of a student who has violated the rules of this Code, apply the following penalties:
1) observation;
2) a warning;
3) a reprimand;
4) severe reprimand to be entered in a personal matter;
5) expulsion from the university.
Ethical code of teacher
The main direction of activity of the teacher - work with students, care about their education and culture, education of the true patriots of their country.
The teacher must be a professional, constantly working to improve their theoretical knowledge and pedagogical skills, actively engaged in research and scientific activities on the basis of an honest search for knowledge, properly providing evidence, impartial reasoning and honesty in reporting results.
Teacher - sample integrity and intelligence and morality, an active promoter of statehood of Kazakhstan, a principled opponent of any manifestations of corruption, indiscipline and irresponsibility.
Teacher's personal example proves the students need to respect the rules of work and discipline, respect for colleagues, demanding of themselves, their words and deeds, openly admits his mistakes and correct them in good faith.
The teacher must be fair and impartial in the professional judgment of colleagues and students, he organized his words coincide with the matter openly expresses its position on the fundamental questions of activities and arguments to prove a point;
The Ethical code of the Kazakhstan higher educational institution teacher is a system of moral norms, obligations and requirements of good practice, based on the universally recognized moral principles and norms of the Kazakh society and the state.
We take responsibility for the realization of the stated basic principles and adherence to the Code of honor of the student and the teacher.
We will make active efforts to ensure that our universities have become examples of the moral and intellectual powers and made up the elite of higher education of Kazakhstan.
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