Department of "History and geography"

Apasheva Sabira Nurbaevna
Head of department "History and geography"
Candidate of historical sciences, docent
✆ Phone: +7 701 370 97 91
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- About us
Department of "History and Geography" is one of the first departments in our university. It trains specialists in educational programs: "History", "Geography", "Geography-History". Our graduates become competent historians and geographers who are in demand in the field of education.
In the Department of Domestic and Foreign History, all conditions have been created to provide quality education and training to students. There is the "Orkenet" circle, which contributes to the formation of knowledge during the search and processing of information: here they teach to establish the connection between the past and the present, to conduct scientific research, and to develop students' thinking and communication abilities.
We place great emphasis on practical skills. Since 2004, students and teachers of the department have been conducting archaeological excavations in the previously unexplored medieval city of Utyrly (Utirtobe), located in the Maktaaral region, in cooperation with the International Research Center "Archaeologist". At the same time, they participate in the historical research of Kultobe settlements and the city of Utyrly. Students of the department's specialties have been participating in Republican student subject Olympiads and taking the best places among their competitors.
Scientific research conducted by teaching staff and students is reflected in reports at scientific conferences and published in many scientific publications.
Under the academic mobility program, the teaching staff of the department conducts lectures at partner educational institutions - the Tajik Pedagogical Institute and the Eastern University of Kyrgyzstan named after M.K. Barskani. "Syrdariya" University actively attracts foreign scientists from Germany, Egypt, Spain, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries to exchange experience and teach students of the department of domestic and foreign history.
6B01601-History teacher training educational program provides all conditions for educational training and quality education.
There are enough textbooks for history subjects in the modern, up-to-date library of the university.
The university's central reading room, periodicals and e-textbook rooms awaken students' creative inspiration, interest in learning, and create favorable opportunities for their in-depth education.
In the department, the "Civilization" circle was created for students to deal with topical issues of historical science and local studies. Students of the 1st-4th year of the "History" educational program participate in the club. In the circle, students are introduced to the science of history, the general structure of historical research, ways and features of writing, work with archive funds, and teach scientific skills and skills such as appropriate and correct use of various written historical data found in their scientific work.
We are proud that our graduates, who graduated from the "History" educational program, are working diligently in all areas of the country and making a significant contribution to the development of the country. For example, Tapiev Bakytzhan works in the Ministry of Justice in the capital Astana, and Zhumabaeva Balnur works in the Astana City Prosecutor's Office. Kuanyshbekov Bekarys, Myrzantegi Margulan, Esenbekov Omar - work in Maktaaral district administration. Moldakhmet Arhat - researcher of the National Museum in Astana, Ersariev Altynbek - A.K. Researcher of the Department of Early Iron Age Archeology of the Institute of Archeology named after Margulan, Amire Zhaksybay - works as the head of the road sector of the Zhetysai district TUKS department. Currently, Shyntaev Nurmakhan, a graduate of our department, is completing his doctoral studies at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, majoring in history.
Many of our graduates are doing honorable work in the field of education. Among them there are also those who manage educational institutions. For example, Bekzatov Bayankul - named after A. Zhangeldin, Abdigali Daurenbek - named after K. Amanzholov, Dehkanov G. - Serves as principals of general secondary school named after Tursyn Zada, Talenov Yerbol-Kazybek bi. - Teachers of the department
The teaching staff consists of 13 people, including one doctor of science, seven candidates of science, one PhD, five masters of science, two senior teachers. The teachers of the department are actively teaching and methodical work, using innovative technologies in teaching. Research work is carried out on an ongoing basis. Teachers participate in scientific and practical conferences at the international and national levels, regularly publish research articles, monographs and educational materials in scientific journals.
Teaching staff of the department "Domestic and Foreign History"
1. Apasheva Sabira Nurbaykyzy2. Azizbekova Aizhamal Sultanbekkyzy
3. Meirbekov Myrzabai Baltabaevich
4. Izenbaev Beknur Zhusupovich
5. Zorzhanova Aisulu Asilovna
6. Kashkinbaeva Asem Tastemirovna
7. Kozhabekov Nurjigit Abubakirovich
8. Turumbetova Gulzhan Abubakirovna9. Baizhanova Alma Amirhanovna
10.Sherimbaeva Jibek Duisebaevna
11. Shintaev Nurmahan Aidynbekuly
12. Sultanov Serik Askarbekovich
13. Utemisova Aiman Maratkyzy
- Educational programs of the department
- 6В01601-Training of history teachers / - 5В011400-History;
- 6В01506-Training of teachers of geography / - 5В011600-Geography;
- 6В01509-Geography-training of history teachers / - 5В012900-Geography-History
Master's degree
- 7М01601-Training of teachers of history / - 6M011400-History - Educational and methodological work
In the disciplines of educational programs 6B01601 - “Training of history teachers”, 6B01506 - “Training of geography teachers”, 6B01509 - “Training of geography teachers”. -history teachers" 6В05201 - "Geography" 7М01601-"Training of history teachers"
Electronic content and testing database have been developed and are constantly updated. To ensure regular self-learning for students using distance learning technology, teachers actively use the resources of the website: for students, assignments in disciplines, schedules for their delivery, additional materials to facilitate the development of the discipline, questions for preparing for exams, test assignments in subjects, cases in blind assessment technologies.
The university has built a system of advanced training for the purpose of teaching technology to student-centered learning. Various forms and methods of advanced training are used: courses, seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., which address issues of organizing the educational process in credit technology of education, educational and methodological support for the educational process, and the introduction of new pedagogical technologies.
The educational program is developed in the form of a set of documents that are updated taking into account the development of science, culture, sports, economics, engineering, technology and the social sphere, and contains:
1) general characteristics of the modular educational program;
2) catalog of elective disciplines;
2) UMKD, including working training programs (syllabuses);
3) an end-to-end program of practices;
4) final certification program;
5) educational program development plan.
The elective component disciplines are presented in the Catalogs of elective disciplines, which are developed annually
Procedure for the development and approval of 6B01601-“Training of history teachers”, 6B01506-“Training of geography teachers”, 6B01509-“Training of geography teachers”. -history teachers" 6В05201 - "Geography" 7М01601-"Training of history teachers" studying the labor market, employers' requirements for future specialists, wishes and opinions of students and graduates, formation by the head of the department, advisor in the specialty of the initial version of the educational program on the basis of State Educational Standards, QED and professional standards (as they are developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan), discussion of the developed educational program at a meeting of the department together with employers, students, consideration and examination of the educational program and its recommendation for approval by the Academic Council of the university, approval of the educational program by the rector based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university.
Duration of study: on the basis of general secondary education, full-time – 4 years. On the basis of technical and vocational education in full-time reduced form - 3 years. On the basis of higher education – 2 years. Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian. Training is carried out using credit technology, which aims to ensure international recognition of national educational programs, create conditions for the mobility of students and university teaching staff, and improve the quality of education.
The department has prepared schedules for the preparation of educational and methodological complexes on educational and methodological work and the organization and conduct of open classes by teaching staff.
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