Department of "Design"

Tleubaeva Balzhan Seydramanovna
head of department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docen
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The Department of Design provides training in four bachelor's degree areas:
- 6B02101 - Design (5 years of study)
- 6B02111 - Fashion industry (5 years of study)
- 6B01403 - Teacher training of art work and drawing (4 years of study)
- 6B01406 - Art education (4 years of study)
- 6В01407 - Craft and basics of entrepreneurship (4 years of study)
- About of the department
The Department of Music Education was founded in 1998 as part of the Syrdarya University, opened in 1998 in the city of Zhetysai, Zhetysai district of South Kazakhstan region. The department was headed by the cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bori Isa. The specialty "Fine Arts and Design" was opened in 2000. Zhenis Kalmuratov, a member of the Union of Artists, headed the department. In 2005, the Department of Fine Arts and Drawing was reorganized into the Department of Fine Arts and Design. The department was headed by Ph.D., Associate professor Bolysbaev Dauletkhan.
In 2008-2022, the department was reorganized into the Department of Art and Design for the training of music and art teachers and design specialists based on the merger of the Departments of Fine Arts and Design with the Department of Music Education. The department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kozhagulova Gulnar , Saparbayeva Uldanai.
In 2022, in connection with the relocation of Syrdarya University to Shymkent, the university was named after Tashenev J.A. The Department of Art and Design was headed by a master's degree, senior lecturer Kim Irina Stepanovna.
Since the 2023 academic year, the department was called "Art and Music", and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Tleubayeva Balzhan was appointed head of the department.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the teaching staff of the department was 31 people.
They include: professor - 1; candidates of sciences, associate professors – 6; Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) – 2; cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2; masters of Science, senior teachers – 12; masters of Science, teachers – 11 teachers. The basic knowledge of the faculty of the department corresponds to the educational programs.
From the 2024-2025 academic year, the university became a joint-stock company, the structure of the university changed accordingly, the department was divided into two, the department of "Music and Singing" and "Design". The Department of "Design" is headed by Tleubayeva Balzhan.
All classrooms of the Department of «Design» are equipped with appropriate methodological textbooks, visual aids, appliances and furniture.
For the new academic year, the teaching staff of the department is 20 people.
They include: professor - 1; candidates of Sciences, associate professors – 4; Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) – 2; masters of Sciences, senior teachers – 9; masters of Sciences, teachers – 4 teachers. The basic knowledge of the faculty of the department corresponds to the educational programs.
- Teaching staff
The teaching staff of the department conducts research and methodological work in the field of general music education and art history, art work and design. He also oversees the scientific work of students.
Department's POC list
1. Tleubayeva Balzhan
2. Konakbayeva Ulzhamal
3. Janpaizova Vassilya
4. Turakulov Bakhadur
5. Karsybayev Bastarbek
6. Kim Irina
7. Yessenova Khanzada
8. Rakhmankulova Zhanat
9. Alshymbayeva Saule
10. Assilova Kamila
11. Baiteliyeva Zhanar
12. Kalabayeva Kyzbala
13. Rakhimov Babur
14. Akhmetova Zeinepkul
15. Kobeyeva NurgulThe teaching staff of the department has developed several textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodical complexes based on credit technology (syllabus), methodological guidelines for disciplines, collections of lectures, texts of the OBR and electronic textbooks, etc.
The staff of the Design department trains qualified specialists working in the field of public education, design, culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as future artists. The teaching staff of the department is engaged in creative work and is the laureates of national, international, regional festivals of various levels. The teaching staff of the department actively participates and contributes to all events held at the faculty, university, and city levels.
- Educational programs
6B02101 – «Design», 6B02111 – «Fashion industry»
The higher education programs "Design" and "Fashion Industry" are aimed at professional training of personnel for the fashion industry. We train specialists of a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists in the fashion industry, who are in demand both at the Kazakh and international levels.
The main task is to provide the future specialist with fundamental knowledge in the field of fashion industry, fashion and accessories design, style and image, design, modeling, technology, brand management in the fashion industry, and fashion illustration.
Areas of study:
• Mass and creative costume design – design development for mass and individual clothing production;
• designing and modeling of clothes – creating variants of clothing designs for the author's costume design;
• costume design and digital technologies in costume design – the development of author's sketches using computer programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and many others);
• classical sewing technology and innovative processing methods – development of a technological map of the author's product;
• costume shaping and modern 3D clothing designs – the development of three-dimensional costume shapes and the creation of clothing layouts;
• individual style and image – development of the client's style and image;
• color in a suit and coloristics of a costume row – creation of commercial coloristic rows in collections of individual design;
• fashion and beauty service - the history of the fashion and beauty industry
• creative thinking of the fashion industry - design thinking is a new vision in the fashion industry
• customization and personification of clothing – creating an author's style by order of individual clients.Directions: 6B02101 – Design, 6B02111 - Fashion industry
Documents: license
UNT: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language, Russian language, creative exams
Duration of study: 5 years of study
Form of study: full-time
Preparatory courses: "Design. General training", "Fashion Design", "Costume Design"
Learn more about admission conditions.
The recruitment for preparatory courses in design is open! The beginning of training is January 2025.About the profession
Graduates work in brand companies, boutiques, design studios or produce their own clothing line.
Who you can work with:
• Women's clothing designer
• Men's clothing designer
• Stylist
• Fashion Editor
• Costume designer of theater and cinema
• Creative director of an author's studio or clothing production
• Accessory Designer
• Designer of an individual wardrobe
• Professional shopper
• Fashion illustrator
• Confectioner of sewing production
• Designer-modeler
• BayerAbout profile 6B01403- Training of teachers of art work and drawing, 6B01406 - Art education, 6В01407 - Craft and basics of entrepreneurship
The higher education programs "Training of teachers of art work and drawing", "Art education" are aimed at educating and forming a comprehensively developed personality of the student, the formation of systematized knowledge on fine arts, art education, art work and drawing. We train specialists of a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists who are in demand both at the Kazakh and international levels.
The main task is to give the future specialist fundamental knowledge in the field of children's education at the modern scientific level, – the organization of the pedagogical process in fine arts, art education, art work and drawing, artistic and aesthetic direction.Areas of study:
• conducting classes in general education organizations, organizations of technical and vocational education, organizations of additional education for children;
• the choice and use of various forms and methods of education and training of students in extracurricular work in fine arts, art education, art work and drawing;
• the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process;
• conducting pedagogical experiments with the implementation of their results in the educational process;
• planning the content of the course of fine arts, artistic work and drawing at different stages of training.About the profession
Graduates are able to organize the educational process in artistic work and special subjects, applying the principles and new learning technologies.Who will you be able to work with:
• art teacher;
• Technology teacher;
• teacher of additional education;
• a teacher of clubs.
- Directions of the department's work
Directions: 6B02101 – Design, 6B02111 - Fashion industry
Documents: license
UNT: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language, Russian language, creative exams
Duration of study: 5 years of study
Form of study: full-time
Preparatory courses: "Design. General training", "Fashion Design", "Costume Design"About the profession 6B02101 – Design, 6B02111 - Fashion industry
Graduates work in brand companies, boutiques, design studios or produce their own clothing line.Who you can work with:
• Women's clothing designer
• Men's clothing designer
• Stylist
• Fashion Editor
• Costume designer of theater and cinema
• Creative director of an author's studio or clothing production
• Accessory Designer
• Designer of an individual wardrobe
• Professional shopper
• Fashion illustrator
• Confectioner of sewing production
• Designer-modeler
• BayerDirections: 6B01403- Training of teachers of art work and drawing, 6B01406 - Art education, 6В01407 - Craft and basics of entrepreneurship
Documents: license
UNT: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language, Russian language, creative exams
Duration of study: 4 years of study
Form of study: full-time
Preparatory courses: "Artistic work and drawing", "Drawing"About the profession 6B01403- Training of teachers of art work and drawing, 6B01406 - Art education
Graduates are able to organize the educational process in artistic work and special subjects, applying the principles and new learning technologies.Who will you be able to work with:
• art teacher;
• Technology teacher;
• teacher of additional education;
• a teacher of clubs.
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