The Faculty "Economics and Law"
Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of economical Sciences
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✆ Phone: +7 778 882 44 99
About the composition of the faculty
- Department of "Economics and Law"
- Department of "Law and Business"
- Department of "History and geography"
- About the faculty
In 2022, after moving to Shymkent and the transformation of "Syrdarіya" University into University named after Zh.A. Tashenev, the Faculty of "IT, Economics and Law" was established.
The faculty was headed by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor Besbaev G.A., master of sciences Orazov B.D. Since March 2024, candidate of economic sciences Nauryzbekova A.E became the dean of the faculty.
The faculty includes the Departments of "Information and communication technologies" and "Economics and Law". The faculty has 40 full–time and 8 part–time teachers: doctors of Sciences – 2, candidates of Sciences, docents – 17, PhD doctor - 1, masters of Sciences - 22, senior teachers – 14.
The educational process at the faculty is conducted according to a new learning system based on credit technology. The material and technical base of the faculty, the potential of specialists meet the requirements of the state mandatory standard of education. In total, 827 students study at the faculty, 97 in the 1st year, 287 in the 2nd year, 246 in the 3rd year, 201 in the 4th year.
The University has all the conditions that allow to a student studying at the faculty to become a modern specialist. There are 2 holders of educational grants among the students.All classrooms are equipped with the latest equipment and technical facilities. Here, under the guidance of teachers, students are considering ways to introduce scientific innovations on a production basis. The faculty has educational lecture halls, laboratories equipped with modern equipment, instruments and demonstration materials and technical training facilities.
Students of the faculty have free access to computer classes located in the academic building. Computer classrooms are equipped with modern equipment, including multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards and high-speed Internet, providing students and teachers with access to educational resources, including the republican library of the Association of Universities (, as well as to the international libraries of Thomson Routers and Oxford University Press.
At the faculty, special attention is paid to the research work of the teaching staff and students. For example, scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences are regularly held. Special Societies like "Femida", "Young economist", "Web development", "Java Platform" are open for students, where additional theoretical, practical and laboratory classes are held.
The educational process at the faculty is organized on the basis of:
• state standards of higher and postgraduate education;
• educational programs in the areas of training;
• standard curriculum of the studied disciplines;
• working curriculum.
Syllabuses of the studied disciplines have been composed on the basis of these normative documents. All studied and conducted subjects, lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes are fully provided with educational and methodological documents: syllabuses of disciplines, thematic plans of seminars; methodological recommendations and manuals for laboratory classes; topics of coursework; programs of educational and industrial practices; test and control questions of disciplines and other necessary materials for the educational process.
- Educational programs
List of educational programs related to the faculty:
Bachelor programs:
1. 6B06101 – «Computer engineering and software»
2. 6B06102 – «Information systems»
3. 6B06112 – «Informatics»
4. 6B04101 - «Accounting and Auditing»
5. 6B04102 - «Finance»
6. 6В04103 - «Economics»
7. 6В04104 - «IT management»
8. 6B04201 - «Law»
9. 6B04202 - «Business and law»
10. 6B04203 - «Legal regulation of management and economic activity»Master program:
• 7М04101 - «Economics»
- Research work
The faculty pays special attention to research work of faculty and students. For example, scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences are regularly held. Special clubs “Themis”, “Zhas Economist”, “Web Bagdarlamalau”, “Java Platform” are open for students, where additional theoretical, practical and laboratory classes are held.
The educational process at the faculty is organized on the basis of:
• state standards of higher and postgraduate education;
• educational programs in areas of training;
• standard curricula for the disciplines studied;
• working curricula.
Based on these normative documents, syllabuses of the studied disciplines have been compiled. All disciplines studied, lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes are fully provided with educational and methodological documents: discipline syllabuses, thematic plans for seminar classes; methodological recommendations and manuals for laboratory classes; topics of coursework; educational and practical training programs; test and control questions of disciplines and other necessary materials for the educational process. - Links
1. About the Faculty of "IT, Economics and Law".
2. About the Department of "Information and communication technologies" 3. About the Department of "Economics and Law"
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