Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Physical Education

Turebekov Birzhan Anarbekovich
Head of Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
✆ Phone: + 7702-502-44-52
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- General information
The Department of Physical Culture and Sports was founded in 1998 and is one of the first departments of the Syrdariya University. Specialists in physical education and sports are trained here. Our graduates are professional teachers, coaches and instructors in various sports working in various private and public institutions.
We attach great importance to students' research work. The Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Physical Culture is equipped with specially prepared classrooms for Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports, Spartakiad, Olympic Education and sports complexes. There is a special student club at the department. "A professional athlete." To enhance athletic achievements, the department has several sports clubs: table tennis, freestyle wrestling, basketball, volleyball, soccer, Kazakh kures, handball. The Tashenev national volleyball, basketball, and soccer team participates in competitions of various scales.
Our students actively participate in Kazakhstani, international and university research conferences.Thanks to the professionalism of the faculty, the students of the department receive a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge and are able to make competent decisions in today's changing socio-economic environment.
Starting from the 2022-20223 academic year, students of the educational program 6B01401 – Training of physical education teachers continue their studies at JSC "Zh. A. Tashenov University" Shymkent.
Educational programs of the department:
1 .6B01401-Training of physical education teachers
2. 6B01409-Physical culture and Sports (IP) - Teaching staff
High-quality teaching staff serving the specialty, their basic education meets the qualification requirements, academic title and academic degree, and advanced training correspond to the profile of the subjects taught.
1. Коzbaev Erlan Userbaevich
2. Маkhanbetova Ayaulym
3. Моldabekov Erlan
4. Мilkhodjaeva Gulsyn
5. Мyrzabek Lesbek
6. Мutaliev Bekarys
7. Sаparbekov Nurmukhan
8. Тurebekov Birzhan
9. Yusupov Alymzhan
10. Nurzhanov Nurbakhyt
11. Azhibekov Talgat
- Educational programs
The educational program 6B01409-Physical Education and Sport (IP), 6B01401-Training of teachers of physical education in higher education corresponds to the European Qualifications Framework and national qualifications, the Dublin descriptors, the professional standard of the teacher and contains a system of documents developed taking into account the requirements of the regional labor market and employers.
The educational program defines the set goal, expected results, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, the quality assessment policy for graduate training in a given area, and the content of the work curriculum.
The graduate's field of professional activity:
Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01409-Physical Culture and Sports (IP), 6B01401-Physical education teacher training carries out his professional activities in the field of education.
- in general educational institutions – general secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums;
- in comprehensive specialized children's and youth sports schools;
- - in sports clubs;
- instructor-methodologist in physical culture, recreation and mass sports work;
- - coach (by sports);
- organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.
Types of professional activity of the graduate:
- training;
- education;
- methodical;
- research;
- social and communicative skills. Types of professional activity of the graduate:
- training;
- education;
- methodical;
- research;
- social and communicative skills.
The tasks of the graduate's professional activity:
Teaching staff:
- dissemination of educational information and training;
- training and development of students;
- organization of the process of education and upbringing of students;
- design and management of the pedagogical process;
- forecasting, correction and diagnostics of the results of pedagogical activity.
- involving students in the system of social values;
- implementation of educational work in accordance with the laws, patterns, principles, educational mechanisms of the pedagogical process;
- planning of extracurricular educational work;
- solving specific educational tasks,
- choosing and applying various forms and methods of teaching and educating students in extracurricular activities;
- establishing contacts with the student body, teachers, and parents who teach in this class.
- implementation of methodological support for the educational process;
- planning the content of education at different levels;
- definition of methods of organization and implementation of the learning process;
- the use of new pedagogical technologies in the learning process.
Research projects:
- study of the level of assimilation of educational content and study of the educational environment;
- study of scientific and methodological literature;
- study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the field of education;
- conducting a pedagogical experiment, introducing its results into the educational process.
Socially communicative:
- interact with the professional community and all stakeholders in education;
- formation of a multicultural personality;
- creating favorable conditions for the education and development of students and providing pedagogical support.
The main purpose of the educational program is defined in accordance with the objectives of the Strategic Development Plan and the mission of the University.
The purpose of the educational program
is to train a competitive physical education and sports teacher who possesses general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the national qualifications system and the labor market.
Objectives of the educational program:
- formation of general cultural, professional and special competencies of students necessary for the effective performance of professional activities;
- formation of students' social responsibility and commitment to professional ethical standards based on interpersonal values;
- bringing the quality level of education in line with the requirements of national and international standards based on the motivation of students for professional improvement and self-realization;
- formation of professional knowledge and practical skills of students in accordance with the updated content of education;
- to provide training for specialists with higher education who are active in the renewal of society based on the trinity of sign language, functional literacy and a healthy lifestyle.
The department employs qualified specialists with high scientific potential. As a result of the activities of qualified specialists, on June 16-17, 2021, she successfully passed a specialized special accreditation from the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education for five years. - Educational and methodical work
6B01409-Physical education and Sports (IP), 6B01401 – Training of physical education teachers assigned to the department.
Electronic content and a testing database have been developed for all disciplines of the educational program, which are constantly being updated. To ensure regular SRS for distance technology students, teachers actively use the resources of the website: for students, assignments in disciplines, schedules for their completion, additional materials to help them master the discipline, questions for exam preparation, test assignments in subjects, cases on blind assessment technology are posted in their personal account.
The university has built a professional development system to teach student-centered learning technologies. Various forms and methods of professional development are used: courses, seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., which address the issues of organizing the educational process using credit technology, educational and methodological support for the educational process, and the introduction of new pedagogical technologies.
The educational program is developed in the form of a set of documents that are updated taking into account the development of science, culture, sports, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere, and contains:
1) general characteristics of the modular educational program;
2) catalog of elective subjects;
3) UMKD, including working training programs (syllabuses);
4) an end-to-end practice program;
5) the final assessment program;
6) the educational program development plan.
The elective component's disciplines are presented in the Catalogs of Elective Subjects, which are developed annually.
The procedure for developing and approving the educational program 6B01409-Physical Culture and Sport (IP), 6B01401 – Training of physical education teachers to study the labor market, employers' requirements for future specialists, the wishes and opinions of students and graduates, the formation by the head of the department, the adviser on the specialty of the initial version of the educational program based on the State Educational Standard, CEDA and professional standards (as they are developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan), discussion of the developed educational program at a meeting of the department together with employers, students, review and examination of the educational program and its recommendation for approval by the Academic Council of the University, approval of the educational program by the rector based on the decision of the Academic Council of the University.
Duration of study: on the basis of general secondary full–time education - 4 years. On the basis of technical and vocational education in full–time abbreviated form - 3 years. On the basis of higher education – 2 years. The language of instruction is Kazakh and Russian. The training is carried out using credit technology aimed at ensuring international recognition of national educational programs, creating conditions for the mobility of students and university faculty, and improving the quality of education.
The department has prepared schedules for the preparation of educational and methodical complexes for educational and methodical work and the organization and conduct of open classes by the teaching staff.
- Scientific research work
The research work of the teaching staff is aimed at studying current problems in the field of physical culture and sports.
Directions of research work of the department «Theory and methods of teaching physical culture»:
1. New scientific directions and ways of development of mass sports, improvement of technologies of psychological preparation of athletes.
2. Implementation of effective ways to develop mass sports
The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education Teaching is actively involved in community service. Senior lecturer of the department, B. A. Turebekov, conducts research on the topic "Proof of the effectiveness of a 3-hour lesson on the subject of Physical education in primary schools in Kazakhstan." Research work not only does not stop there, but also develops internationally. Our teachers and students regularly organize online conferences and professional development courses with the Tajik Pedagogical Institute, the State University named afterDostaevsky University and the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.
Research work includes the preparation of articles, monographs, participation in scientific conferences, the development and implementation of scientific projects, scientific management of theses. The results of the research work of the teachers of the department are introduced into the educational process within the framework of elective courses, preparation and writing of textbooks, scientific articles, educational and methodological complexes.
From 2019 to 2021, the number of published works by the faculty of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Physical Culture is 60: of these, articles in journals included in the Scopus database, Impact factor – 2; articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 5, articles in collections of international conferences – 27, in publications of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 23, educational The manual is 3. - International cooperation
In international relations, the department closely cooperates with universities of neighboring countries.
- Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek;
- Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Uzbekistan, Shyrshyk;
- Tajik Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Tajikistan, Penjikent;
- State University named after Dostaevsky, Russia, Omsk.
- Practice base
Professional internship is provided, which is an important component in the training of competitive specialists and is important for the socio-psychological adaptation of graduates to labor market conditions.
When completing internships at professional bases, students are guided by work programs that are available to them in their personal accounts. The results of the practice and their effectiveness are reflected in the practice reports. The practice is conducted on the basis of contracts concluded with organizations designated as practice bases, as well as on the basis of individual contracts. An agreement has been signed with model schools and specialized lyceums-gymnasiums of the Turkestan region and Shymkent for educational students.
Practice base:
Municipal State Institution "Secondary School No. 119 Mayatas" of the Shymkent City Department of Education;
Municipal State Institution "General Secondary School No. 5 named after "Baytursinov" of the Department of Human Development of the Zhetysai district of the Human Development Department of the Turkestan region;
KSU "General Secondary School-gymnasium No. 4 named after Abai" of the Department of Human Development of the Zhetysai district of the Human Development Department of the Turkestan region:
Municipal State institution "IT school-lyceum named after Dinmukhamed Konaev No. 9" of the Department of Education of the Zhetysai district;
Municipal State Institution "Specialized Boarding School "Daryn" of the Zhetysai district of the Human Development Department
Turkestan region;KSU "Gymnasium school No. 6 named after B.Momyshuly" of the Human Potential Development Department of the Zhetysai district of the Human Potential Development Department of the Turkestan region;
Municipal State Institution "Comprehensive Secondary School No. 2 named after A.Bokeikhanov" of the Shymkent City Education Department;
State State Enterprise on the right of economic management "school-lyceum No. 23 named after Z. Kosmodemyanskaya" of the Shymkent city Education Department;
KMM "Comprehensive Secondary School No. 3 named after Ulykbek" of the Shymkent City Education Department;
Municipal State Institution "Comprehensive Secondary School No. 11 named after A.Navoi" of the Shymkent City Education Department;
KSU "Comprehensive Secondary School No. 10 named after Akpan Batyr" of the Shymkent City Education Department. - Educational work
The university has created the necessary conditions for providing socio-psychological support to students, providing comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and social counseling to all participants in the educational process. To this end, the University has established the Department of Educational Work and Social Affairs, which includes the Committee on Youth Affairs (KDM). These structural units, among other supporting services of the university, carry out continuous work with students, both during academic and extracurricular hours. Being the main units for ensuring the coordination of educational work, the Department of Educational Work and Social Affairs and the KDM interact with all structural divisions of the university, as well as government agencies and other public, commercial, and charitable organizations.
As part of the social support for students, in order to adapt students to the educational environment of the university, the "Guidebook" is constantly updated, which is available on both paper and electronic media, and is visible on the official website in the "Educational Resources" tab when students log into their Personal Account. The Guidebook contains systematic information about the rules of internal regulations, organizational and procedural norms of the educational process, the conduct of a freshman week, and the organization of teaching staff duty on student campuses. Students are provided with tuition discounts, sports discounts, scholarships for excellent studies, students are guaranteed the opportunity to attend sports sections and creative circles, clubs, as well as the opportunity to work in their free time, which ensures a balance between study, work and personal leisure of the student. Thus, according to the Strategic Development Plan, the following are provided: financial support for orphaned students and children left without parental care, financial support for students from low-income and socially vulnerable families.
The needs of various groups of students, including those with disabilities, are systematically taken into account. Students receive social support. To meet the housing needs, nonresident students and foreign citizens are provided with places in the University dormitory.
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