Department of "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education"

Zhapbarova Gulmira Amangeldykyzy
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Telephone: 7773343121
- Implementation of educational work of the department
Аcademic groups of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education have developed plans for educational work for the academic year.All mentors work according to the approved plan. Mentors assigned to groups conduct weekly mentor hours and record their protocols. On the eve of the holidays, according to the plan, approved events are held.In addition, the mentors of the Department hold open educational hours "creating a mobile environment through the promotion of future primary teachers to national values", "national values - the treasury of the nation" "qualified specialist - El tiregi" "interesting mood, student life. The purpose of the educational hours is to firmly form a healthy lifestyle among students, develop the consciousness of the individual, teach them how to maintain their health, prevent drug addiction, and educate them to avoid harmful things. In general, the activities approved according to the plan at the department are held on time. During each weekly mentor hour, mentors conduct educational conversations in order to form the moral and patriotic qualities of student youth. The tasks assigned by the faculty are completed in a timely manner. A presentation is made on these topics. In accordance with the address of the president Kassymzhomart Kemelovich to the people of Kazakhstan "just Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism", the establishment of the educational and scientific educational complex of Social , Humanitarian, Sciences with the school-gymnasium named after M. Auezov in Arys, Turkestan region. In addition, contracts have been concluded with the B. Tulkeev general education institution in the Kaskasu settlement of Tolebi district.
- Information about improving the knowledge of teachers of the Department
The department has developed a plan for improving the qualifications of the teaching staff. In accordance with the plan of teaching staff at the Department, advanced training courses are planned to improve knowledge related to qualifications announced from the Foreign Turkish state Ankara and the Republican University, as well as from the Higher Committee of Science
- Pedagogical experience of students
In order to improve the theoretical knowledge of students in practice, contracts are signed with advanced, experienced schools-institutions of the city and practical practices are held. In the 2023-2024 academic year, the contracted practice bases are: school-gymnasium No. 50 named after Akhmet Baitursynov, general Secondary School No. 52, General Secondary School No. 128, School-gymnasium No. 40 named after Alpamys batyr, Kazygurt general Secondary School No. 66, general secondary school named after D. A. Kunaev, Zere secondary school
- Student Academic Mobility Program
In the 2024-2025 academic year, a 2nd-year student of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education " Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami of the Republic of Uzbekistan is aimed at studying under the program "Providing a referral to study abroad within the framework of academic mobility". In the future, contracts and documents are being prepared between universities for the acquisition of knowledge and experience at universities of the international level.
- To the plaintiff!
Dear applicant! One of the leading specialties of the University 6B01310 – "pedagogy and methods of primary education" guarantees you a high-quality education and provides a bright future. 6b01310-pedagogy and methods of primary education Duration of study: 4 years Qualification: Bachelor of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education The objects of professional activity of graduates are general education and primary schools of all types and types, child development centers, departments of the Department of Education. The sphere of professional activity is the education system.
- Science
Scientific activity is carried out in accordance with the topic "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education in Kazakhstan, teaching subjects taught in the educational program, using elements of innovative technologies." Its results are included in the course of study in the form of lectures, seminars and practical classes on primary education and prepared for the publication of methodological guidelines during the pedagogical practice of students on this issue. The Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education conducts scientific research in the following areas: development of innovative technologies for education and training and their implementation in the system of continuous education; intensive development of programs, methodological guidelines for teachers of comprehensive schools, implementation of scientific research results in the educational process of higher educational institutions.
On the basis of the agreement, research work is carried out on the basis of the agreement of the school-gymnasium named after M. Auezov of the city of Arys, Turkestan region and general educational institutions named after B. Tulkeyev, Tolebi district, Kaskasu village.
Professor of the Department Akhmetova G.B. is working on a research project "Technology for Designing Digital Education" in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the goal: To develop the readiness of future teachers to design digital education. During the project, conditions for access to digital educational content in Kazakhstan were created for the first time.
The teachers of the department actively participate in scientific conferences at various levels.
The department staff participated in the following international scientific and practical conferences: "Tashen Readings": republican scientific and practical conferences; The results of R & D are published in journals with an impact factor. Zhapbarova G.A. - "Features of the formation of word-formation skills in students with general speech underdevelopment." "Modern innovative technologies and approaches in the educational process within the framework of a modern educational environment" (London-2024). The journal published the articles "Psychological literacy as a factor in professional self-determination of future specialists (on the example of the specialty of physical education and sports)" and "Teaching patriotic education of primary school students through national games on physical education lessons". (DOI: 10.48114/2306-5540_2023_2_91). K. Moldabek, R. Kenzhebekova, A. Akkuzov and others published articles in Scopus journals.Students of the department took part in the 5th Republican Olympiad organized by the educational center "Koryfey", so, Ashirbekova Mekhrinoz took 1st place (supervisor: Zhapbarova G.A.), Zhumakhan Nazerke - 2nd place (supervisor Nurseit A.), Asilova Altynay - 3rd place (supervisor Myrzabekova A.L.)
Based on the results of scientific research, more than 200 scientific papers of the department's teachers were published in the national, Russian and English languages. - The research work of the department is carried out with the theme
«Theory and technology of the formation of ethnocultural competences of the future teacher, taking into the regional specifics of Kazakhstan». Its results are included in training in the form of a presentation of the content of lectures, seminars and practical classes in pedagogy, the amount of the assignment for preparing students for the issuance of methodological instructions on this issue in the course of pedagogical practice. The department «General Pedagogy and Ethnopedagogy» conducts research in the following areas: development of innovative teaching and upbringing technologies and their introduction into the system of continuing education; development of programs, guidelines for teachers of secondary schools, the introduction of research results into the educational process of the university.
The teachers of the department take an active part in the work of scientific conferences at various levels. In 2011, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlybekova A.B. took part in the European scientific and practical conference (France, Paris). The teaching staff of the department participated in the following international scientific and practical conferences: «Innovations in science:» As a determinant of the development of the XXI century (St. Petersburg, 2011),The role of foreign languages in the implementation of the Bologna process in Kazakhstan (Astana-Almaty, 2011.), Scientific works of young scientists (Shymkent, 2011), «Modernization of education and science in the context of globalization» ,(2011); The research results of the faculty of the department are also published in journals with a large impact factor - «Pedagogy»- the scientific and theoretical journal of the Russian Academy of Education, «SCIENCE AND WORLD» «Life Science Journal», «Zhokull» magazine, «The way of science», As republican scientific publications: Science and Education of South Kazakhstan », «National Readings», «Search» Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy , «Messenger of Humanitarian Education», etc.
The propaganda of the research work was carried out through the publications: «Bright colors of March» (Country and the world, No. 11, 21.03.2011), «Not a single person without education» (Kazakhstan Akikat, 28.10.2010), «Our common home is Kazakhstan» South Kazakhstan, No. 36, 25.03.2011).
The teaching staff of the department participates in competitions for obtaining state grants for research work. In 2011, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented the project «Modernization of innovative educational technologies in the formation of professional competencies of future specialists in higher education». (supervisor: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Nurlybekova AB).
According to the results of the research, the teachers of the department have published more than 450 scientific papers in the state, Russian and English languages.
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