On October 18, 2019, "Syrdariуa" University, one of the first universities in the southern region that celebrated its 20th anniversary, was one of the first universities to address the President with a message “Critical Public Dialogue - the Basis of Kazakhstan's Stability and Prosperity”. International Scientific and Practical Conference "
The main goal is to explain to every Kazakhstani the meaning of the message and its significance for the prosperity of our country.
The international meeting began with the acquaintance of students with craft exhibitions and the scientific and methodological work of professors and teachers.
During the conference, plenary and breakout sessions were organized to discuss the following topics: “Innovations in the humanitarian educational system in the context of social modernization”, “Updated educational program and a new generation of teachers”, “Information education and information and communication technologies”, “Social modernization and Economics and Business”, “National Code, National Art and Sports”, “Message 2019 - a platform for new opportunities for youth”.
The opening speech at the plenary session was made by the deputy of the Turkestan regional maslikhat, “Honorary Citizen” of the Makhtaral, South Kazakhstan and Turkestan regions, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ayashev Onalbay Ayashevich.
Serik Dauletovich Mamraimov, Acting Rector of the University, Ph.D. in History, read out the report “The rapid development of the "Syrdariya" University in the context of social modernization”, then Serik Onalbayuly, Doctor of Development Sciences, made a presentation entitled “Problems of Prosperity”.
Welcoming speeches were made by the akim of Zhetysaysky district Beisenbaev Zhamantay Kanaevich, deputy of the Turkestan regional maslikhat Balabiev Kairat Rakhimovich, deputy chairman of the Turkestan regional branch Nur Otan Kalima Zhantoreeva.
Rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich signed a memorandum of cooperation with the acting Rector of Syrdariya University, Ph.D. in technical sciences, Roza Dzhanysbekovna.
Summing up the conference, the scientific secretary, candidate of philological sciences Abenova Lyazzat Usmanovna presented a draft resolution. Based on the adopted resolution, university staff issued an appeal to professors and students of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.