Innovative educational technologies are the basis of our work
Well, our "Syrdariya" university has successfully passed the first 10 years.
The search and formation of the teaching staff is going in the right direction. Our task is to prepare professionals for civilized Kazakhstan. Our motto is: "Enter the world educational space through quality education!" Our university was one of the first to switch to credit education technology adapted to the Lisbon convention. We do not intend to copy this system from the Western education system as it is. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the accumulated experience, which we understand as harmonious integration into the modern education system.
Young university staff have many questions. This is a further improvement of the material and technical base, the strengthening of the teaching staff and the strengthening of the scientific efforts of teachers and students through in-depth research.
To solve these problems, more than 20 world-renowned scientists in science were invited to the university, including 7 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our achievements did not go unnoticed. In 2008, the university was awarded by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2009 - by the International Congress of Businessmen and Entrepreneurs "Milenium World" and "Intellect National".
One of the ways to improve the scientific intelligence of teachers and university staff are scientific conferences with the participation of renowned scientists working in different schools and fields. This year, on June 10-11, a scientific and practical conference "Science and Industry" will be held in honor of the anniversaries of famous scientists and professors Asylbek Malik Khaidar, Batkaev Zhan Yakubovich, Serikov Begim Serikovich. At present, Academicians of NAS RK M.Kh.Asylbekov, N.K.Nadyrov. It is expected that the reports of O. Balabekov will be heard. More than 160 reports have been received to date. 65 reports from professors and teachers of our university, 1 each from Moscow, Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Shymkent, Turkestan, Tashkent.
There were many reports on humanitarian issues. There are few materials on agriculture. The conference will be divided into 5 sections. We can say that the reports of famous scientists in the field of information technology, humanities, pedagogy K.N.Akhmedov, E.O.Medeuov aroused great interest among the audience.
It should be noted that for the first time in Kazakhstan we will publish the conference materials in the form of an electronic version in the amount of 7.5 printed forms.
On the agenda is the development of education and science, which are the key to the country's prosperity. In the annual Messages of the President, along with the requirements for improving the education system, directions are also indicated. President Nursultan Nazarbayev Nazarbayev considers one of the main requirements for Kazakhstan to enter the world educational space.
It was a great honor for the staff and students to see the visit of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to our university on September 1, 2005, the Day of Knowledge. The visit of the President of the country to the university, his speeches and meetings with the staff strengthened confidence and hope for the future.
The material and technical base required for carefree education of young people at the university is good. In particular, five educational buildings, an administrative center, a student palace "Kazakhstan" for 500 seats, 4 libraries, a general and reading rooms, a bookstore, 3 canteens, a sports ground, a sports and gymnasium, and playgrounds. The university is engaged in research, healthy living and moral education.
Today, the university is undergoing state certification for a period of 5 years by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2007 No. 18 and trains personnel for the country in 25 bachelor's and 8 master's specialties in accordance with the state classifier and state license AA 0000169. Disciplines: Kazakh language and literature, biology, chemistry, law and economics, etc. are taught at 8 faculties of the university. 4276 students study in 20 specialties of the old classifier and 25 specialties of the new classifier, including 1519 full-time and 2757 part-time, 223 of them are holders of state educational grants, 110 students study and improve their knowledge at the preparatory department for our compatriots abroad. The university also participates in charities and educates 38 students in need of parental care.
Of course, today it is impossible to imagine quality education of the younger generation without the necessary textbooks and teaching aids. In this direction, 243 thousand copies of educational, scientific and fiction literature have been accumulated in these 4 libraries. The educational process is also carried out in a computer center, a distance learning center, a virtual library. There are about 300 computers in 12 rooms of the computing center, most of which are connected to the Internet. In addition, there are interactive whiteboards that work in an "online" system with the latest computer equipment.
Lecture halls and large auditoriums in educational buildings are suitable for teaching students, holding seminars, round tables, discussions, defending abstracts and theses. Classrooms, classrooms are equipped in accordance with modern requirements.
In order to improve the quality of education at each faculty, a process of conducting classes in different forms has been developed, depending on the specifics of disciplines: business games, videos, subject competitions, case studies, using the capabilities of Internet classes, subject circles, etc.
Much attention is paid to teaching Kazakh, Russian and English, computer literacy, economic and environmental issues.
In order to improve the quality of training specialists with higher education, the university is constantly working to improve the level of knowledge of teachers. Regular participation of professors and teachers in advanced training courses at leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is envisaged.
Nathan James Kaczynski, an English language specialist from the US Peace Corps, has been teaching English to our university students for two years since October 2007. Currently, quality education is a priority for students. Socio-economic changes in the country, the constantly increasing flow of information, increasing competition in the labor market are increasing the requirements for graduates. The challenge for higher education institutions is to train highly educated, thoughtful, forward-thinking and change-oriented professionals.
Today, the “Syrdariya” University is not alone in scientific, methodological, research work, working hand in hand with domestic and foreign universities: Al-Farabi National University, Eurasian University, etc. In addition to domestic universities, it has established regular contacts with the University of Uzbekistan and the Gulistan State the university. Along with teaching young people at the university, they participate in various cultural events, receive spiritual nourishment along with their knowledge and create significant conditions for the development of intellectual thinking. For example, each meeting of the discussion club "The Future is in the Hands of Youth" is attended by about 150-200 students. Here the students discuss topics related to issues: the country's economy, social, spiritual spheres, language, culture, etc. Tournaments in various sports are held annually in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The sports teams of the university play volleyball, football, wrestling, etc., they has won many sports. Some of our athletes are part of regional teams.
There is also an orchestra of folk instruments "Zhetysay Sazy", which has repeatedly won international and republican competitions at the university. The creativity of the dancers' ensemble "Tomiris" is impressive to many.
In the hands of the younger generation is the strengthening of the walls of our independent Motherland. The future of our country is the quality of education and moral upbringing of young people, and the teaching staff of the “Syrdariya” University will not stop making their contribution further.
A.A. MANAPULY, Rector of the "Syrdariya" University, Professor.
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