The history of Myrzashol reveals secrets
Mamraimov Serik Dauletovich, Rector of "Syrdaria" University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Dear colleagues, intellectuals!
On behalf of the residents of Alpamys Batyr, Zhideli Baysyn, Myrzashol and students, I want to thank the staff of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Chokan Valikhanov for holding the Republican scientific-practical conference on the ethnic history of South Kazakhstan.
As you know, the history and ethnocultural processes of the Myrzashol region of South Kazakhstan are poorly studied. The Myrzashol region has long been an important crossroads between the Great Steppe and Central Asia.
He made a significant contribution to the nomadic and sedentary agriculture of the Myrzashol region, urban civilization, history and culture of South Kazakhstan.
In the extreme south, restrictions on the national question have been evident since 1924. At that time, most of the Kazakhs in Tashkent and its environs were forcibly converted to the Uzbek population. After that, the largest city in Central Asia, Tashkent, became the capital of Uzbekistan.
In 1934, Tamdinsky, Zarafshan and Ushkuduk districts came under the control of Uzbekistan.
In 1956 the state farm named after Timiryazev of Bostandyk region and Kirov region of Shymkent region was transferred to Uzbekistan.
In this regard, I would like to note the work of Asylbekov Malik-Aydar Khantemirovich, a native of Myrzashol, teacher, graduate of the Lenin school of the Zhetysai region, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Kazakhstan. Malik-Aydar Khantemirovich prepared 4 candidates of historical sciences for the "Syrdariya" university, all of them work for the good of the country and educate students.
Dear participants of the conference, the scientific significance of the topic of today's conference is very high. I wish the conference good luck.