Great teacher
We consider it a great pleasure for students to speak warmly of a great teacher. The modern world is very complex. The correct formation of the social thinking of young people depends on teachers. We understand that teacher education transforms a well-educated student into a hardworking citizen of their country.
We are proud of Shynazbek Ibraimov, a lecturer at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of the «Syrdariya» University, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor. We are very happy to receive education and training from such a wonderful teacher.
After graduating with honors from the Tashkent State University in 1966, Ibraimov Shinazbek entered the postgraduate course of the Scientific Research Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after V.I.Bernadsky in Moscow. In 1975 he successfully defended his dissertation, and from 1976 to 1999 he worked as a teacher at the Faculty of Chemistry of Tashkent State University. In 1999, he entered the «Syrdariya» University, where he became the head of the department of the Faculty of Biology, and then the dean.
Today Ibraimov Shinazbek is a qualified university teacher who thinks globally about teaching students and conveys his ideas in a clear and fruitful form. He works tirelessly teaching chemistry to students, which is a very complex subject. We have a lot to learn from such a mentor.
There is a wise saying of the great Kazakh poet Abai: Words of edification will never lose their value for the younger generation. Several students, guided by the words of our Abai, are trying to become the same great teacher as our teacher Shynazbek Ibraimov.
We will follow the teachings of our mentor.
Students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, "Syrdariуa" University
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