Career guidance meeting in Shardara
In the Palace of Culture of the city of Shardara, in the center of the Shardara region, the leadership of the University "Syrdariya" held a meeting with directors, teachers and a group of graduates of secondary schools of the region.
First of all, the audience was shown a short documentary about the “Syrdariya” University.
Then a well-known public figure, founder of the “Syrdariya” University O.Ayashev spoke about the achievements of the university over the past ten years, the conditions created for students.
Then several questions were asked from the audience. Clear answers were given to questions about helping orphans, the allocation of state grants, hostels, payment.
During the meeting, a special concert was given by the "Zhetysay Sazy" orchestra of the "Syrdariya" University under the direction of the famous kuishi composer, professor B. Isa.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. O.Ayashev presented the principals of Shardara schools with a booklet issued for the tenth anniversary of the “Syrdariya” University. The head of the education department of the Shardara region S.Shyntaev expressed gratitude.
A volleyball match was organized, which was also attended by the volleyball team of the “Syrdariya” University. The athletes played a friendly match with the Shardar team. The game was very competitive. The volleyball players of the “Syrdariya” University, who lost in the first game, won two next games in a row.
The students who came to the meeting left a great impression. We talked to them, and there were many young people who chose the “Syrdariya” University.
Therefore, we welcome the graduates who have successfully passed the UNT to the “Syrdariya” University.
Information "Jety SYR".
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