The introduction of the discipline of Taschen Studies is the call of the times
Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at a meeting with leaders of political factions at a parliamentary meeting:
“As you all know, today’s Kazakhstan is a country that enjoys honor and authority in the international community. We can say that this is a great success for our country. But we need to continue to increase the potential of our country. This is a lofty goal facing us. To achieve long-term strategic goals, we need to transform Kazakhstan into a developed country. This is our real plan," he said.
The urgency of achieving these goals gave a new impetus to the development of the country’s education sector and put a number of tasks on the agenda. One of them is a place where the younger generation is introduced to the great personalities of history, whose moral life and educational activities contributed to strengthening the foundations of our state and elevating our sovereignty. Those who opposed the leftist policies of the country's leadership boldly expressed the interests of the country, and therefore faced the wrath of the authorities and were innocently removed from office. Similar situations occurred with such citizens as M. Shokai, A. Bokeikhanov, A. Baitursynuly, I. Zhansugirov, M. Dulatuly, M. Zhumabaev, S. Seifullin, T. Ryskulov, N. Torekulov, S. Kozhanov. One of them is unique - Zhumabek Akhmetovich Tashenev, who has the honor of bearing the name of our university.
It is enough to tell the truth about Zhumabek Tashenev and the truth of the dark days. According to Professor K. Ergobek: “When you say Zhumabek Tashenev, the concepts of a handsome man, a tall man, a tall man, an eagle’s heart naturally come to mind. Zhumabek Tashenev becomes a measure of character. “Why couldn’t it be Tashenev?” Why couldn’t they at least support Tashenev?” We regret this. We are gradually coming to this concept. We are inevitably led to such a concept by the fact that Zhumabek Tashenev was able to immerse himself in the race and boldly resist when his native people found themselves in a difficult and difficult situation. The fact that he was able to stand up for his native people. Zhumabek was not a slave of the Soviet service, but a desirable fellow countryman in the eyes of the people - a son who faithfully suckled his mother’s milk.” We cannot express motivation in words. Writer G. Musrepov: “We are not the Central Committee, we cannot take someone from one place and put them in another. “A nation of writers gives a place in a person’s heart. I would like to wish my brother Zhumabek, who always has a place in my heart, to congratulate you on your arrival in this country.” This price is the opinion of thousands of Kazakhstanis.
During the years of leading the political, economic and cultural development of the republic, Zh.A. Tashenev devoted a lot of work to preserving the territorial integrity of the Kazakh state. They opposed the transfer of Mangystau to Turkmenistan, the northern regions united in the “Tyn region” to Russia, and the cotton-growing regions of Southern Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan. He objected to nuclear explosions on the territory of Kazakhstan. The newspaper “Kazakh Literature” was protected from closure, and the newspaper “Socialist Kazakhstan” was protected from the danger of publication in the form of a translation of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”. All these works show that Zhumabek Tashenev is the master of the country and the land, its history, traditions, literature and culture, comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge, as well as the lion’s heart of indomitable work. The main task is to glorify such people and show their services to the country.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that mastering any field of science represents a certain content system. True, in addition to the scientific significance of the content, the educational side is often not taken into account. Thus, recognition of his immeasurable contribution to preserving the integrity of the land of all people on the march of history is carried out by promoting the life of Zhumabek Tashenev, his activities and works in political, economic and cultural life. our country's students. To realize these goals and objectives, it is not enough to simply list bare language and bare facts in chronological order in order to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation historical figures and historical events that make a huge contribution to the founding and justification of our state. This requires a constructive approach to the past, a clear mind capable of identifying people who had a great influence on periodic and epochal changes, skillful language, and genealogical eloquence. We think that language and literature specialists will be able to realize this task. This probably explains why the above-mentioned Alasha saints are not included in the content of subjects taught by historians. So far, this gap is being filled only by language and literature specialists.
Taking into account this justification, we recommend that the University Council include the course “Tashenology” among the elective subjects of the University named after Zh.A. Tashenev.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior teacher Kalybekov B.E.