International NEO scientific and practical conference
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the University named after Zh. Tashenev, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tashenology Studies: “Current Trends and Prospective Directions for the Development of Education and Science” was held.
Tashenev Readings: Special guests came to the International Scientific and Practical Conference of NEO “Current Trends and Prospective Directions for the Development of Education and Science” - our colleagues from near and far regions.
Among them: rector of the Uzbek State Academy of Choreography, professor - Tokhtasimov Shukhrat Makhmutovich, rector of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences - Rasulov Bakhtiyar Makhmudzhanovich, rector of the Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, professor, doctor of sciences - Sirojiddinov Shukhrat Samariddinovich, Professor of Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey - Khalil Ibrahim Bulbul, participated online from the UK and St. Petersburg, Kazakhstan.
Within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference, plenary sessions were held in the social and humanitarian direction, and the important scientific topics were: “Research of the historical teaching of J.A. Tasheneva – the direction of spiritual food for the consciousness of a generation.” “The direction of promising technologies and methods in modern educational practice”, “Globalization and internationalization of modern science”, “Current problems of society, economics and law in the context of global challenges” were widely discussed.
At the plenary session, special reports on the topics “Modern theoretical and methodological research in the field of natural sciences”, “Sustainable development: veterinary medicine, agriculture, agricultural technologies and ecology”, “International practice in the field of educational foresight” were heard and widely discussed.