The first graduates of Tashenev University received diplomas
These are graduates of the former Syrdarya University in Zhetysay, which has a 25-year history. But he moved to the third metropolis only a year ago and changed his name to Zh. A. Tashenev University. That is why we are the first graduates of Tashenev University.
A group of guests led by the deputies of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent, representatives of the intelligentsia took part in a solemn event held in the youth center of Shymkent. Among them are the secretary of the Turkestan regional maslikhat Nuraly Abishev, the chairmen of the Turkestan regional and Shymkent city councils of veterans Zhenisbek Maulenkulov and Kenzhekhan Tolebaev, the editor-in-chief of the socio-political newspaper Ontustik Kazakhstan Abay Balazhan, the deputy of the Turkestan regional maslikhat, the chairman of the Turkestan regional branch of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Galymzhan Elshibay Bakhtiyar Taizhan, editor-in-chief of the Shymkent Razgi newspaper, Anar Zhapparkulova, director of the Otyrar library, and Dulat Abish, director of the Aigak newspaper and TV channel.
The founder of the educational institution, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Onalbay Ayashev made the first speech and wished the graduates who are about to enter a new life.
-- This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of Tashenev University. We are currently developing a dual degree program in close contact with leading educational institutions located in developed countries such as the UK, Belgium, Greece, Israel and North Macedonia. If yes, then our students will have a great opportunity to have two diplomas at the same time. If you know many languages, the doors of all countries will be opened for you. Don't forget it. Don't waste time being a child. And we wish today's specialists that the paths be clear, and they see the fruits of the acquired knowledge, - said Onalbay Ayashuly. The secretary of the Turkestan regional maslikhat Nuraly Abyshov awarded letters of thanks to professors and teachers who, in addition to teaching students, are actively engaged in scientific and social work.
Among the laureates there are people who have made a special contribution to the formation of the educational institution - Vice-Rector for Educational Work P. Baineeva.
25 out of 863 graduates going into the future are holders of red diplomas. At the ceremony, these best graduates were not only awarded diplomas, but also received a letter of thanks from the management.