Republican scientific and practical conference
Mirkamalova Khasiyat, a student of the Phi-22-2 group, who took an active part in the republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Youth and Science - 2024” and presented an article that won first place Zh.N.)
Baimanova Aisha, student of the Phi-20-9k group (scientific supervisor: Ph.D., senior teacher Aitzhanova S.E.) took 2nd place
Ashirbay Akerke, student of group Phi-21-9k1 (scientific supervisor: Ph.D., teacher Nazar D.B.) took 2nd place
Kurbanali Nazim, student of group Fk-23-1k2 (scientific supervisor: Ph.D., senior teacher Ormakhanova G.S.) took third place
III place was awarded to students of group Phi-23-2r Usenkvina Zhansaya and Khadimetova Mukhlisa (scientific supervisors: senior lecturer P.N. Tokmuratov A.M.).