Saparbekov Nurmukhan Sapakovich

Full name: Saparbekov Nurmukhan Sapakovich



2. Educations: High

3. Academic practice:7- years

4. Non-academic practice:1- years

5. Certificate of professional registration or professional development with an indication of the term:

1. Ministry of education and science of the kyrgyz republic Kyrgyz state university І. Arabayev institute for equipment qualification training Kadyrov м. r. Rakhimovois May 16 to May 29, 2018 Bishkek № 0803 72 hours

2. In 2015, at the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu" received a certificate on the topic "Certificate of Qualification on the basis of electronic textbooks as a case of technologicalization of professional activities of teachers."

6. Membership in professional organizations: Nur Otan

7. Awards and prizes: 

A letter of thanks was given for his sincere contribution to the development of education, successful work in teaching and educating the younger generation and high responsibility for active participation in social work. Syrdarya University 27.12.2017

8. Activities in the educational sector: no

9. Topic of the most important publications and presentations over the past 5 years, where authors are published (if available), date of publication and presentation:

1. "Science and life of Kazakhstan, science and life of Kazakhstan" International scientific - popular magazine. 2018, №3 (58), P.144-148 Saparbekov N.S

2. "Membership in the WTO: prospects of scientific researches and international technology market": Materials of the II International scientific-practical conference October 18-20,2017 (Singapore) Singapore, 2017, P.191-196 Saparbekov N.S
3. Syrdaria university

The National Plan "100 specific steps - a new stage for strengthening the education and science system of kazakhstan" presented by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev - Works of the international scientific and practical conference "100 special steps" Saparbekov N.S

10. A short list of professional, research and development works, authorship or authorship of a partner in research and development projects: No

11. Additional information about significant aspects of the business that are not included in the list: No