Mutaliev Bekarys Turdikulovich

Telephone number:+7701-357-40-77

Education  :

2010-2014 - "Syrdariya" University, 6М010200-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education.
2004-2008 - "Syrdariya" University, 050108 - "Physical training and sports"
Work experience :    15 year

Progress :    Pedagogy and psychology scientific and methodological journal 2016 «Professional competence of a physical education teacher» Science and life of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan science and life 2018  «Teacher's communicative competence as a professionally significant phenomenon» the Conference will be held in the USA, new York on February 05, 2015  Pedagogical foundations for the formation of communicative competence of a future teacher in the discipline «Physical culture»Vestnik of the Institute 2018..
Tajik pedagogical Institute, Penjikent 2018 «Main directions of organization of physical culture and sports in districts», «EXPO-2017: modern industrial and innovative directions» Zhetysay 2017.
Professional skills :    Organizational ability;
Forming a good relationship between the teacher and the student;
The use of modern teaching methods.
Personal qualities :    Responsibility, hard work and patience. I love my job, and I can get along with students quickly.
Mastering the computer :    Microsoft Office, working with any Internet browser
Language proficiency :    Native language-Kazakh, Russian-in free form
Passion  :    Reading books, playing sports

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