Dosbenbetova Anara Shaimakhanovna
Contact phone number 87058840330
Academic degree: Professor of the Department of «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education,» Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Education: higher education
1977 y. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of Shymkent Pedagogical Institute.
1987-1990 y. Studied in the postgraduate program at Moscow State Institute of Culture, full-time. In 1990, defended her candidate dissertation.
1994 y. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
2010 y. Defended her doctoral dissertation at the Dissertation Council of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
2011 y. By the decision of the Scientific Council, A. Sh. Dosbenbetova was awarded the academic title of «University Professor.»
Work experience:
1977-1982 y. Teacher at Lenin named № 8 Secondary School.
1982-1984 y. Secretary of the Komsomol Committee at Al-Farabi Shymkent Pedagogical Culture Institute.
2006-2010 y. Organized a small enterprise based on T. Ryskulov Secondary School-Gymnasium № 25.
2011 y. Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
2019 y. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University (SKSPU).
2022 y. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at Zh.A. Tashenov University.
Subjects taught:
Pedagogical Management
Primary Education Pedagogy
Professional development
28-02-2024 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai «Training of managers in the field of education» 80 hours Certificate № 000400
17.05.2024 Zhan A. Tashenov University, «Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Education: Teacher Professional Development» — 72 academic hours, Certificate № 101
Scientific publications:
More than 400 scientific works have been published, including monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, scientific articles, and others. Delivered presentations at several international and foreign scientific conferences.
2008 Certificate of Merit from the Akim of the South Kazakhstan Region (SKR)
2012 Certificate of Merit from the SKR Maslikhat
2013 Letter of Appreciation from the Education Department of Shymkent City
2014 Winner of the «Best Scientist of 2014» nomination in the SKR
2015 Certificate of Merit from the Shymkent City Administration
2015 «Y. Altynsarin» badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Certificate №329, dated 16.09.2015)
2018 Badge commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the OKMPI (Certificate №138, 2018)
2022 «For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Badge (Certificate №00028, dated 22.12.2022)
Additional information Any work with a computer (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint)