Akkuzov Abdyzhalil Abutalipovich
Contact phone number 87016743224
Academic degree: «Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Primary Education, PhD in Philology».
Education: higher education
1993 y. Graduated with a degree in «Teacher of Russian Language and Literature in Primary Classes and National Schools» from the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi, Shymkent Pedagogical Institute.
1994-1997 y. Postgraduate student at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi, specialty 10.02.02.
2018 y. Graduated with honors with a Bachelor's degree in «Economics and Business» from South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University.
Work experience:
1993-1994 y. Laboratory assistant at the Department of Biology, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi.
1994-2006 y. Lecturer at the Department of Kazakh Language, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University (formerly Shygastan Institute); Head of the Academic Department, Head of the Educational Department, Head of the Academic and Methodological Management, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
2006-2008 y. Dean of the Faculty at Shymkent Social-Pedagogical University.
2008-2012 y. Rector of South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University.
2013-2014 y. Head of the Academic and Methodological Department, Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs at the Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical Peoples' Friendship University.
2014-2016 y. Vice-Rector for Educational and Social Work.
2016-2018 y. Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Work.
2018-2021 y. Director of Shymkent Transport College, M. Tynyshpaev, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Silkway International University.
2021-2022 y. Research Project Executive at the State Language Development Institute in Almaty.
2022 y. Head of the Department of "Languages and Literature" at Zh.A. Tashenev University.
Subjects taught:
Monographs — 2
Educational Textbooks — 8
Educational and Methodological Textbooks — 10
Scientific Articles — 100
Professional development
29.06.2021 Completed a professional development course titled «SCIENCE SUMMER-2021» Summer School (72 academic hours) at the Center for Professional Development and Additional Education, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. Registration № 26.
17.03.2023 Completed a professional development course titled «Modern Teaching Technologies» in the field of Psychology (72 academic hours) at the Center for Professional Development and Additional Education, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. Registration № 6566.
4.09.2023 Completed a professional development course in Psychology (72 academic hours) at the International Center for Organizing International and National Projects «ASTANA JOBALARY». Registration №005149.
29.12.2023 Completed a professional development course in Pedagogy (72 academic hours) at the International Center for Organizing International and National Projects «ASTANA JOBALARY». Registration №00075.
15.05.2024 Completed a professional development course (160 academic hours) as part of the KZEMP/DS-02 project «Implementing and Strengthening the Content of the Pedagogical Education Model», coordinated by Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland). The course focused on developing higher education programs and creating syllabi.
06.05.2024 Completed a professional development course titled «Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Education: Teacher Professional Development» (72 academic hours) at the Center for Professional Development and Additional Education, Zh. Tashenov University. Registration № 6566.
Scientific publications:
Articles in international scientific publications: 6
Articles in foreign and neighboring countries: 27
2020 y. Awarded a Letter of Thanks (№ 457) by the Republican Scientific-Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan for organizing mass participation of students in educational websites aimed at fostering competitiveness, free thinking, and quick decision-making.
2020 y. Awarded a Letter of Thanks by the President-Rector of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev for active work in attracting applicants and conducting career guidance in the 2020-2021 academic year.
2021 y. Awarded a Letter of Thanks (№ 457) by the Republican Scientific-Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan for actively organizing mass participation of students in educational competitions, fostering competitiveness, free thinking, and quick decision-making.
2021 y. Awarded the medal "For Contribution to the Development of the City of Arys," approved by the decision of the Arys city mayor dated July 2, 2021, № 6.
2024 y. Awarded a badge by the "Örleu" Professional Union of Education and Science Workers of Kazakhstan, Astana (Certificate № 0183).
16.12.2024 y. Awarded the prestigious badge by the International "QAZAQ TILI" Academy, Astana (Certificate № 0000501).
Additional information Any work with a computer (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint)