Festive Evening "My country is happy to independence" dedicated to the Independence Day
On December 12, the university hosted a festive action "My country is shocked by the happiness of independence", dedicated to the 28th anniversary of our independence.
Independence Day for the first time in its history is a clear reflection of the great historical achievements of the people of Kazakhstan. For Kazakhstan, these years were a period of progress and sustainable development. During this time, the country's economy developed dynamically and became a stable state.
At the ceremony, the vice-rector for educational work and social issues of Syrdaria University Nurkasym Beisenbaevich Shegenbaev congratulated the university staff on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the cultural event, Nurkasym Beisenbaiuly on behalf of the First Deputy Chairman of the Zhetysai District Branch of the Nur Otan Party awarded the youth who worked at the university as part of the Youth Year Program 2019. He also wished them success in their work and wished our students to successfully pass the exams during the upcoming session.
Head of the Syrdariya Union Center, Bektemis Meyrhan congratulated Independence Day and handed thanks letters to active students who took an active part in social activities, took part in the political, social, cultural life of the university and demonstrated their achievements.
The festive evening began with the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and continued with beautiful Kazakh songs and national musical performances. Patriotic songs performed by kyuy "Egemen Kazakhstan", "Kazagym" and "Atameken" were sounded during the party and gave the audience a special feeling.
Let the Blue Flag of our country fly up under a peaceful sky and become known to the whole world!
May our independence be high, our people should be high, and our sovereignty strong!