1st place in the Republican Olympiad
On April 23, 2024, under the organization of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Republican Intellectual and Cognitive Olympiad in the subject of the Kazakh language “The language of the great steppe is the basis of the eternal country” was held.
The goal of the Olympiad is to increase the level of knowledge of the national language, culture and history of our people, traditions and national values of students of other nationalities in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The subject Olympiad was held in 3 rounds, consisting of theoretical and practical tasks.
About 40 students from different universities took part in the Olympiad.
2nd year student of the educational program 6B04103-"Economics" Daria Nikolaevna Matsukova took 1st place and was awarded a 1st degree diploma and valuable prizes.
Head of preparation for the Olympiad: senior teacher of the Department of Languages and Literature, candidate of philological sciences Akkozov Abdizhalel Abutalipuli.