For the first time in Kazakhstan, university students defended their diplomas at school. This innovation was introduced at the University. Zh. Tashenev at the suggestion of the rector K. Baibolov.
So far, two secondary educational institutions of Shymkent have become platforms for the project, in which fourth-year students defend their theses in schools.
Graduates of the department "Philology" of the faculty "Pedagogy and Philology" defended their theses at school-gymnasium No. 38.
“For the first time in the country, Tashenev University uses such experience. Students at the university defended the educational program for the training of school teachers in their subjects, - says the dean of the faculty "Pedagogy and Philology" Sh. Ergeshbayeva. “This is the result of the work of the university administration to address the issue of preparing a subject teacher in contact with the school. The main goal of the dual system is the correspondence between the educational institution and the standard of the employer. We have entered into agreements with a number of educational organizations in the region to work together in this regard. The chairman, members of the final commission for attestation of the educational institution and experienced practitioners, that is, school teachers, take part in the defense of the diploma.
Deputy director for academic work of the school-gymnasium No. 38 named after. N. Ondasynova A. Kurishbaeva noted close ties with the university, saying that students conduct practical classes at the school. They are educated, responsible, polite in dealing with people. According to the representative of the school, this pilot project is beneficial for both parties.
B. Kopzhasar, a fourth-year student of the educational program "Training teachers of the Kazakh language and literature", was the first to defend his thesis. The supervisor of the thesis work is senior lecturer R. Arynbaeva. The theme of the work is "Kerimbek Syzdykov - a scientist-mukhtarologist".
Members of the commission and teachers of the school noted the good preparation of Baghdat. The graduate himself said that this pilot project provides great practical assistance to future teachers.
Irina Pritula
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