Beauties are noble souls
Today, the sunny spring holiday, International Women's Day, was solemnly celebrated. The festive event organized by the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports and the Youth Committee was held at a high level.
The evening for the fragile souls began with the congratulations of the Rector of the University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor SS Dairbekov. Marat Sarsenbayev, Chairman of the Youth Committee, the leader of the "Syrdarya team", who became the Champion in 2017, decorated the jokes with beauties, and students of physical culture and sports entertained the audience with modern dances and songs.
University students sang "Sweet Beauty", "Girls-Moon", "Let's give a flower to a woman", etc. performed songs.
Festive jokes and jokes of the "Syrdarya team" made the audience laugh. In addition, a special feature of this year's party was the special guest performance of the regional team of the Social and Innovative University "Million".
We believe that the delicate souls of the university deserve this honor every day of the year.