The conference proposed to award Zh. A. Tashenev the title of “People's Hero”
On March 20, 2025, a republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the prominent statesman of Kazakhstan Zhumabek Tashenev was held in Shymkent. The event was organized with the aim of popularizing the historical legacy of a man who made a huge contribution to preserving the country's independence and territorial integrity, as well as to discuss the relevance of his state ideas in the modern world. The conference was held at the Zhumabek Tashenev University and the House of Friendship, where government and public figures, scientists, university rectors, lecturers, students and school teachers gathered.
The conference opening was moderated by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Zhumabek Tashenev University" Onalbay Ayashev.
In his speech, he noted:
❝The bold policy and justice of Zhumabek Tashenev are a shining example for the current generation. He is a great personality who has shown determination in preserving the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan❞, - he said.
Welcoming speeches were made by Deputy Akim of Shymkent Sarsen Kuranbek, President of Turan University Rakhman Alshanov, Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zauytbek Turysbekov, entrepreneur and philanthropist Serikzhan Seitzhanov.
Deputy Akim of Shymkent Sarsen Kuranbek, congratulating the participants on the opening of the conference, expressed gratitude to the organizers:
❝Today we have gathered at the republican conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding statesman Zhumabek Tashenev. His life and work are a vivid example of patriotism and dedication to his work. Work for the good of the country will serve as an example for future generations. In this regard, I express my gratitude to the University named after Zhumabek Tashenev and the organizers of the conference. I wish success and fruitful discussions to the participants of the event.❞
The daughter-in-law of Zhumabek Tashenev, Fatima khanym, in her speech expressed gratitude to everyone who honors the memory of the outstanding statesman:
❝Zhumabek Tashenev is an outstanding person who dedicated his life to the future of his country. I sincerely thank everyone who preserves and promotes his legacy. Holding such events is our common duty to future generations.❞
During the conference, informative reports were heard on the historical figure of Zhumabek Tashenev, his role in national politics and reformist views.
Member of the Presidium of the organization of veterans of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Beket Turgarayev in his report “Hero of the nation, great personality – Zhumabek Tashenev” dwelt in detail on the state activities of Tashenev. Member of the National Kurultai under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economics Orazaly Sabden made a report on "Peace, Abai and the Special Path of Kazakhstan", Doctor of Philology Kulbek Ergobek presented his thoughts on the topic "Katepti kara nar (Thoughts on Zhumabek Tashenev)", and Rector of the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Uzbekali Zhanibekov Gulzhan Sugirbaeva spoke about "The Life Path of Zhumabek Tashenev in the History of Shymkent". Rector of the University named after Zhumabek Tashenev, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kanat Baibolov emphasized: ❝Today's and future generations should draw inspiration from the life and work of Zhumabek Tashenev. If young people strive to serve their people as he did, then their devotion to their native land and people will become the basis for the formation of true patriots. ❞
Deputy Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs, famous diplomat Zauytbek Turysbekov in his speech emphasized the significance of Tashenev's figure in the history of the country: ❝Zhumabek Tashenev is an outstanding son of his people, who dedicated his life to serving the country. His bold decisions and devotion to the nation are a shining example for young people. We must preserve and perpetuate his memory. ❞
The conference was also attended by the Chairman of the Zh. Tashenev Public Foundation Sayan Tashenev, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Turkestan Region Zhenisbek Maulenkulov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the City of Shymkent Kenzhekhan Tolebayev and Rector of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Darkhan Akhmed-Zaki. Following the conference, the participants adopted an Appeal on the need to popularize the legacy of Zhumabek Tashenev, promote it among young people and conduct in-depth scientific study of his works. This event made a great contribution to raising national consciousness and deep understanding of the historical role of the great son of the Kazakh people.