Academic Council meeting
The first meeting of the Academic Council this year was held at Tashenev University.
A number of topical issues were discussed on the Council's agenda.
Arzymbetova Sholpan Zhaksylykivna, Vice-Rector for Research Work reported on the report on research work for the past year and future strategic objectives, Head of the Registration Department Department of Student and Student Affairs, Master of Science - Zhunisova Aknur Atymtaykovna made a report on the results of the winter examination session, Head of the Department of Post-Secondary Education, PhD Dr. Abdullaeva Zhazira Dayrabeovna spoke about ways to improve the quality of higher education.
Also, the progress in implementing the strategic development plan for the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education was discussed with a report from the chairman of the commission, head of the department of strategic planning, monitoring and quality management, candidate of legal sciences, senior lecturer - Suttibaeva Adema Amangeldievna.
At the end of the meeting, the Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor - Abenova Lazzat Usmankyny reported to the Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council and the issue of presenting a candidate for the academic title of professor and completed the work of the Council.