Graduates visited our university
Recently, within the framework of the joint organization of Tashenev Universiy and the Association of the Uzbek ethno-cultural association of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Dustlik", graduates of educational institutions teaching the Uzbek language of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent met at the republican subject Olympiad in Uzbek language and literature called "Native language is a precious treasure."
The event was organized with the aim of educating students in the spirit of patriotism, so that they become conscious and intelligent citizens who respect the language of their native people, and attract talented students to the specialty "Training teachers of the Uzbek language and literature" of our university. The Olympiad was opened by the chairman of the association "Dostyk" Hoshimzhanov I. and vice-rector for research work of Tashenev Universiy Sh. Arzymbetova, they wished good luck to all the participants of the event.
Meanwhile, teachers and professors from a number of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Moscow and Turkey watched the competition online. Professor of the National University of Uzbekistan, Ph.D. R. Saifullaeva noted the high level of knowledge and skills of Kazakhstani youth in their native language and literature. In addition, she said that the assignments were done well and on time, and the oral assignments gave students the opportunity to fully demonstrate their speaking skills.
Graduation students from the city and district level distinguished themselves in the competition for the ability to reason with each other, written literacy, analysis of literary texts, and reading skills. According to the results of the Olympiad, Dilafruz Bakhodirova, a student of the school-lyceum named after M. Kashgari of Kentau city, took the first place. In addition, many other participants were awarded with diplomas.