On the occasion of the 175th birthday of Alshekey Bektibayuly, the presentation of the audio version of the book "Alshekey Kuyshi" and his poems was held at Zhumabek Tashenev University. Ayakoz Nursultan, a performer of Alshekei tunes, winner of the "Shabyt" youth creative competition, winner of the republican Dina Nurpeyisova music competition, performed Alshekei tunes and gave spiritual food to the students. The meeting evening was organized by Zhumabek Tashenov University and supported by "Kurban Ata" Foundation.
Ayakoz Nursultan Alshekei, the winner of the Republican competition of singers named after Dina Nurpeyisova, presented spiritual food to the students. The meeting evening was organized by Zhumabek Tashenov University and supported by "Kurban Ata" Foundation. The event was held with the participation of the rector of our university, Baibolov Kanat Seyitzhanuly. Well-known philanthropist Onalbai Ayashev gave a gift to Ayakoz Nursultan, a Kazakh cowgirl from Iran. On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the national hero Mukhtar Aliyev, Ayakoz Nursultan, who glorifies the Kazakh art of kuy, presented a carpet with his picture to the president of the Mukhtar Aliyev International Foundation, public figure Umirzak Amet.
At the end of the meeting, the guests took a commemorative photo.