Students of tashenev university carry out a cleanliness relay race

Living in harmony with the environment is the duty of every conscious citizen. The issue of environmental safety is a strategic task of state priority. Every citizen who takes a step towards education will take care of the cleanliness of his surroundings and will learn to maintain the environment in order. By forming a system of environmental consciousness, society attaches importance to self-education, forms an integrated approach to visiting nature, and increasing the value of the native land.
The university, named after the famous public figure Zhumabek Tashenev, conducts educational work among young people in terms of respect for the environment. In this regard, the university intends to regularly hold a “Cleanliness Day” event among teachers.
As part of this honorable task, students of the Faculty of Philology launched a Cleanliness Relay and carried out sanitary work around the academic building in which they study. The students expressed hope for the continuation of the relay race from students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and invited them to join the cleanup.