Alumni Association
The Association of Alumni of Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University (formerly “Syrdarya”) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with the status of a voluntary public association.
The main task of the Association is to organize communication between university graduates in order to maintain connections between graduates.
Any graduate of Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University (formerly “Syrdariya”), including master’s degree, second education, regardless of citizenship, who has expressed a desire and respects the goals and objectives of the association, can become a member of the Association.
To become a member of the Association, just fill out the online Google form:
More than 40 reviews from graduates have been published on the university website. If you want to leave your feedback, write a letter to coordinator Khalikova Roza Orunbasarovna at In the letter, indicate your contact information and year of graduation, a photo, tell us a little about yourself - what you are doing now, what you are interested in. We will be happy to welcome you to the Alumni Association!
To make it more convenient for our graduates to communicate and always keep abreast of university events, we have created a group “Alumni Association” on the university website By registering on the site and joining this group, you can:
• meet your classmates,
• find out the latest university news,
• say hello to your favorite teachers,
• offer a job or find exclusive vacancies,
• share your successes!
Coordinator of the Association - Khalikova Roza Orunbasarovna