Abdukhalikov Kurmangazy Duisenbekovich

Name: Abdukhalikov Kurmangazy Duisenbekovich

Phone: 8 (72534) 6-14-63

E-mail: Kurmangazi__92@maill.ru

2. Education: higher, University "Syrdariya".

Academic and academic degree: candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer.

Professional specialty: Music education.

Disciplines: basic musical instrument, school songs, additional instrument, history and theory of Kazakh music.

Work experience in this institution: 7 years.

3. Academic experience:
Higher education diploma: Syrdarya University, Zhetysay, 2013
Master's thesis: Syrdarya University, Zhetysay, 2017

4. Non-academic experience: no.

5. Certificate of professional registration or advanced training with the term: no

6. Membership in professional organizations: no

7. Awards and prizes:
In 2015 No. 1 Ensemble "Ensemble" of the Makhtaral children's music school was awarded for active participation in school social work.
In 2015. At the VII Republican student subject Olympiad.
Awarded for active management of organizational activities.

8. Activities in the service sector: no.

9. Topics of the most important publications and presentations over the past 5 years, in which the authors were published (if any), dates of publication and presentation:

10. A short list of professional, experimental and design works, authorship or co-authorship in scientific and experimental design projects: no

11. Additional information on important aspects of the service not indicated in the resume: no