Happy Nauryz!

This is a great national unique holiday that has been celebrated in harmony with nature for five thousand years.
I sincerely congratulate you on the great holiday of Nauryz!
Let's say goodbye to the past and with good intentions we will meet the new Nauryz with good wishes!
Prosperity to our Motherland, people, state, happiness and joy to every family!
May your hard work in realizing your creativity always be successful, and may all your dreams and plans come true.

Assistance to the applicant ...

There is a Kazakh proverb: "Every mountain is not far". I would like to say that if there is peace, in a short time this year's 11th graders will be scattered like spring chicks and will be on the great path of life. Of course, it is well known that everyone is an architect of their own destiny. This means that thousands of graduates arrived when they took their first steps into adulthood. Now they have to decide what path to take and what to pursue in life.

Successes in the Republican Olympiad

Department of Education of Almaty region

Thank you letter

The Department of Education of the Almaty Region thanks Yntymakov Sovetszhan Argynbaevich for his significant contribution to the regional stage of the Republican Olympiad in General Education, which took place from 22 to 26 February 2021, you combine professional skills and business acumen.


We invite you to the traditional free exchange platform organized by SU Students ’Union.

Speaker: Turgai Igenovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Theme: Education is a national treasure

Venue: Main educational building, lecture hall 1

"Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people!"

At the Faculty of Design and Art of the University of Syrdariуa, an open educational hour was held with the 2nd year students of the educational program "Design" on the topic "Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people".

The purpose of the open educational hour is to popularize our national traditions and pass them on to future generations. The event was attended by students of the faculty, studying in a traditional format.