Round table dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day
For the graduates of the Faculty of Law and Economics of the Syrdariya University (SU), the International Round Table "International Day against Corruption" was organized.
The meeting was attended by: Chief Specialist of the Zhetysai District Court: Gapparov Seit Zhapparovich, Chief Specialist of the Department of Internal Security and Prevention of Corruption of the Zhetysai District Court: Zhusupbekov Bakytzhan Tolegenovich, Specialist of the Anti-Corruption Event: Konarbaeva N.B., Head of the Department of Law and Economics, Department Bakirov Yerzhan Amangeldievich, as well as teachers and students of the department. The moderator of the international round table was the dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics: Ph.D. Yntymakov Sovetshan Argynbaevich.
The moderator, who opened the international roundtable, in his opening remarks briefly highlighted the concept of corruption, its emergence and all areas of anti-corruption policy. During the event, the speaker of the Zhetysay District Court S.Zh. Gapparov noted that thanks to the reliable partnership of the state and society, the active involvement of citizens in the fight against corruption, Kazakhstan was able to overcome the crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in a short time. Zhusupbekov B.T. noted that measures for the further implementation of the anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 have been strengthened at the legal, practical and mental levels. Speaker Bakirov E.A. said that the absence of corruption harms the economic sector of the state and reduces the well-being of the population.
Participating students asked their topical questions, discussed the issues in depth, received full answers to their questions, and shared their thoughts. At the end of the event, the students made a wise statement that the future is in our hands, that is, in the hands of young people, who are ready to serve their country responsibly and fairly.