Influence of distance learning technologies on the quality of higher education at Syrdarya University
DOT, as a set of technologies:
1) provide delivery to students of the basic volume of the studied material;
2) interact interactively with students and teachers in the learning process;
3) provide the possibility of self-study of the material on the acquisition of material, as well as in the process of training.
Distance learning and the development of modern techniques and technologies are inseparable: one contributes to the development of another. At the present time, a student, where he would not live, can study remotely in the training program of practically any university, not leaving the place of residence.
In connection with the transition to the form of distance learning in the university are the main options for the use of distance learning technologies (DOT). They include: introduction of the system of remote support of the educational process Platonus (LMS Learning Management System), conducting webinars with the help of the program Zoom, the use of MOOS (Massive Open Online Courses) mass-open electronic courses, open-ended online courses. kz).
A special role in higher education is webinars - as a new form of training in the virtual information-educational environment. The technology of conducting webinars with the teacher enhances the information culture and forms the competence of effective interaction with students in the rapidly changing environment of electronic learning. Teachers and trainees get acquainted and master the possibilities of the software-technological platform of webinars, which determine the tools of the teacher. Related to it: audio communication and video communication in real time, presentation slides, work with a virtual board, demonstration of the "Desktop" computer teacher, conducting surveys. With the help of Zoom programs there was an opportunity to conduct online analog lectures, online analog seminars, preparation and presentation of diploma work of 4th year students, in addition to that, technical and pedagogical preparation for this webinar.
Among the main benefits of using DOT in the university can be called the following:
each student receives the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in a convenient format;
planning and understanding that the need for training must be satisfied, and what results to bring;
ensuring the effectiveness of training management tools;
reduction of temporary and financial losses in training, not losing in the benefits of the traditional approach;
technologies and teaching enrich and mutually complement each other;
active social interaction of students and between themselves, and with teachers;
the availability of the teacher is practically constant;
training is possible independently of time and place;
diversity of didactic approaches;
improving the quality of training (including the number of more effective means of training);
individual control over training;
priority of self-taught activity;
integration of online and offline educational and methodical content of multiple use.