UNIVERSITY "SYRDARIYA" in the world educational space
One of the tasks outlined in the "State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2010" is the introduction of credit education in higher education, that is, the integration of the education system of Kazakhstan into the global educational space. The main feature of credit education is that it allows students to search for themselves. The teacher gives the student the necessary direction to master the topic. The main principle of the credit system is to focus on the creative study of the topic, giving confidence to the student.
One of the main unresolved issues in the transition to a credit system is the psychological inactivity of students to a new approach to learning. This problem can only be solved when students learn to learn independently of the school.
Students need to master the methods of interactive learning at school, independently find the necessary information, master the types of knowledge testing and be able to assess their own knowledge.
The school of the XXI century is faced with the task of computerizing education, opening Internet classes, and widespread use of technical teaching aids.
One computer accounts for 54 students in schools in Kazakhstan and 4 students in the United States. In 2010, schools are planning to have 20 students per computer.
Depending on the credit system, it becomes necessary to introduce interactive teaching methods into the educational process.
To implement interactive teaching methods in the electronic reading room, there should be training programs for students (Syllabus), assignments for independent work (IWS), control questions for the final control.
The role of the "Internet" is great in increasing the motivation and interest of students in independent work, searching for the necessary information on world resources and reading. The Internet allows students to leisurely read material, analyze the information received, and form their own opinion.
The use of electronic textbooks in the modern educational process is also becoming more effective.
Features of electronic textbooks:
- includes animation, illustrations, interactive tasks to test knowledge related to the text;
- allows you to use multimedia technology as a visual aid;
- structurally open system;
- you can make additions, changes, update the material during use.
The use of the Internet, electronic textbooks allows students to work creatively, increases cognitive interest and expands the range of information knowledge. Yes, this is not an elimination of worries in the training of modern personnel. No matter what a good program, a strong teacher, students can do, it is impossible to improve the education system without textbooks, information equipment and reading rooms.
The staff of "Syrdariya" University is taking concrete steps in this direction, 136 computers in 12 classrooms are connected to the Internet, 10 students per computer. The total number of electronic textbooks is 1154, of which 214 are in Kazakh and 940 are in Russian. The computers in the electronic reading rooms contain curricula for all subjects, IWS and test assignments.
This academic year, 14 teachers who have completed advanced training courses at a number of universities: Kazakh National University, Kazakh National University of International Relations and World Languages, South Kazakhstan State University, in the multimedia center of the university prepared 30 new electronic textbooks and conducted courses "Interactive methods of credit systems ”with the participation of young university teachers.
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, the concept of multimedia has emerged.
Multimedia - (eng. Multimedia: multimedia or media, -medium-average) - a set of ways to represent the studied objects, structures and events. The concept of multimedia, in general, multimedia tools, on the one hand, are associated with computer processing of various information, on the other hand, they contribute to learning, increase efficiency.
Information resources based on the use of multimedia technologies in the learning process include: electronic textbooks, applied multimedia encyclopedias, multimedia tools for checking the level of knowledge, electronic simulators, virtual laboratory tools, automated training systems.
Modern multimedia resources are not limited to a simple presentation of material, they offer to participate in the course of events on a computer screen, to choose a way of assimilating the material.
One of the tools for increasing the effectiveness of training is, first of all, an interactive multimedia board.
An interactive whiteboard is a whiteboard that has all the qualities of a traditional whiteboard, but also has the following features:
- to provide graphic explanations for electronic images;
- allows the simultaneous examination and verification of the work of all students;
- conducts interactive training based on dialogue.
An important characteristic of an interactive whiteboard is its "dimensionlessness", i.e. the amount of information that can be recorded can be placed in an infinite space, everything that is written is stored indefinitely. All information displayed on the board can be used throughout the lesson. If necessary, the student or student can return to the previous information. Information from the previous lesson can be used for the next lesson.
Another difference between the interactive whiteboard is a large number of tools to improve the quality of the information image: you can use any color, size, shape when writing on the whiteboard.
The use of information and multimedia technologies in the secondary education system is a requirement of a modern teacher who implements it. Information and multimedia technologies should be freely mastered by any teacher. The school needs a teacher with developed creative abilities to search for information, mastering new information technologies. Therefore, there is a need to train teachers who are free to use multimedia tools, including interactive whiteboards, as a teaching-in-learning tool.
From 11 to 23 May in the multimedia center of the University of “Syrdariya” passed a refresher course for graduates "Using an interactive multimedia board in the learning process."
This training course was conducted with the aim of high-quality preparation of university graduates for future teaching activities. Classes were held in two special computer labs: a virtual library equipped with modern computer equipment, including an interactive whiteboard and high-speed Internet, and a distance learning room.
During the course, the teachers of our university conducted a number of open lessons using an interactive board: Utegenova O.K. - "Worldview and educational value of heroic songs", Abdrazakova N.P. - "Communication system in marketing", Abulkhairov S. "Teaching about muscles. Muscles of the abdomen and back of the face ", Koshkarov Zh.A. - "Word formation of verbs".
In practical classes, students mastered several applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint for creating multimedia presentations. All classes were conducted under the guidance of an experienced specialist S.A. Spengler.
As a tool, students used 140 electronic textbooks prepared by the university faculty. In electronic textbooks, students received information from lectures, manuals, photo galleries, visual materials, as well as embedded audio and video files necessary to create presentation reports.
Young specialists who have received the necessary knowledge and received a certificate for completing the course, graduates of the “Syrdariya” University can freely use modern computer technologies and actively work as teachers in educational institutions.
MAMRAIMOV S.D., head of the educational and methodological department of the "Syrdariya" University, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor.
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