No. 71 (18484) May 15, 2008, page 5
The main goal of the «Syrdariуa» University is to train qualified specialists who will work hard for the benefit of our independent country. The University is a modern educational institution that has mastered teaching methods and techniques based on educational, advanced and innovative technologies.
Of course, it was not easy for the team to reach this height. Each of its members was passionate about new discoveries and innovations. He did not lose faith in the future. Immeasurable sweat along the way, only the desire to move forward led to the fact that the university is growing every day, and the number of students is also growing.
One of the features of the university is that it is located in the farthest south of the country, in an environment where the spiritual essence of our people is intact, traditions are preserved. The second difference is the very dense population. Young people from every family will soon be able to get an education and become a versatile professional helping their families. It is known that hard work in this region lasts twelve months a year.
The third feature is that the university campus turns the sunny city of Zhetysay into a paradise on earth. Enthusiastic young people with burning hearts turn the southern sky into fog.
Therefore, Syrdarya University deserves not only local residents, but also residents of the region and the republic. After all, this university is a sacred home full of joy that arose among farmers and workers.
Onalbai Ayashev, the first president of the university, deputy of the III convocation of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The global educational space requires competitiveness. That is, every young person who takes risks on the way to education, along with his profession, must love the country and the land that awaits his efforts. And for this we need the necessary material and technical base for teaching youth. The university, its leadership, teachers and professors must ensure this.
So, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2007 No. 18, an educational institution was opened - the University of Syrdaria, which trains personnel in 26 specialties of bachelors and 9 specialties of magistracy according to the state classifier and issued a state license АА №0000169 for 5 years old! In general, the university has five educational buildings, an administrative center, a student palace "Kazakhstan" for 500 places, a scientific and methodological center. Add to it a virtual library, 2 subscriber libraries, a general and reading rooms.
A bookstore, 2 canteens, a gym and a playground are equipped with new equipment to meet the needs of students. The material and technical advances are not limited to this. Electronic computer equipment for individual use by students, group practice is a whole world. You can add to this list interactive whiteboards with the latest "Online" system, which the President himself established as a model for all schools in the country. There is no doubt that students of faculties concentrated at the university, along with in-depth knowledge, become highly qualified and experienced professionals.
In the process of deep understanding and implementation of the tasks arising from the traditional Address of the President to the people of Kazakhstan and the development of the intellectual thinking of youth, the discussion "The future is in the hands of youth" is regularly held. The ensemble of folk instruments "Zhetysay sazy" and the ensemble of dancers "Tomiris" have achieved a lot.
In the process of adaptation to the world level of education, the introduction of new credit technology into curricula continues. Such a training system allows students to continue their studies abroad, as well as individually work with students, choosing a profession. It also allows them to independently search for information, analyze and analyze data. The university staff intends to study the experience of the country's leading universities in the implementation of this technology based on the results. For this, of course, much attention is paid to the formation of an educational and methodological base, the development of a very competent methodological complex, and the preparation of electronic educational materials. The primary task is to improve the library fund, provide students with Internet access.
To implement the credit system of education, the administration of the university, professors and heads of the relevant departments visit their colleagues, that is, other universities of the country, such as KarSU, KazSU, KazNTU, ICTU, KazSPU, KazNPU. As a result of such fundamental work, in the academic year 2004-2005, a credit system in the direction of economics was introduced at the university. In the 2005-2006 academic year, the technology of credit education was introduced for all freshmen, and in the 2007-2008 academic year - for all specialties of the correspondence department.
Of course, just as every family has its own height, there will be workers who deserve this prestige.
The university, which is called "Syrdariуa", has extensive experience, deep research work, employees worthy of the titles of "associate professor of the university", "senior teacher" work. Large-scale seminars of professors and teachers are held, such as "Pedagogical and methodical training of young specialists", "Improving computer literacy". Seminar participants receive special certificates. Students who have mastered the Internet and studied at the distance learning center improve their qualifications.
While the internal affairs of the university are developing, scientist A. Erkinov exchanged experience in Turkey at the Institute for the Study of Turkish History. Aftandil Erkinov also completed an internship at the Humboldt University Research Center in Berlin, Germany. Then he gave a lecture on history at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Halle. The scientist's works were published in the domestic press, as well as in the Italian magazine Oriente Moderno.
Gulmira Sauirbaeva and Dauletkhan Bolysbayev defended their Ph.D. theses, Roza Zharkynbayeva, Sabira Apasheva, Aliya Duysekova and Serik Mamyraimov defended their Ph.D. theses, Gulnar Musabekova, Aliya Uteshova, candidate of technical sciences, also defended theses, Zhanbyrbayakhanov Aytbay Temiralievich, who defended their candidates for political science, are rightfully proud of the university staff.
Doctors of Sciences Zhan Batkaev, Gulfayruz Erkebaeva, Batyrkhan Turmetov made a significant contribution to the glory of the university of the same name, which is a boon for Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
However, this does not mean that the volume of research in an educational institution, the desire for innovation, and compliance with modern requirements are not limited to this. The work of teachers and professors is considered, honorary titles and awards of various ministries and representative offices of the republic are sought. For example, the badge for the best education named after Y. Altynsarin shines on the chest of Professor A. Berdyshev, associate professor K. Madikhanov, candidates of sciences A. Tlesov and B. Serikov, as well as N. Kadyrbaev, G. Beisenova. Professors Zh.Batkaev, K.Zhidebaev, B. Isa were awarded with the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The title of "Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was awarded to M. Baybalanova and U. Seilbekova, who, along with deep knowledge, worked hard to increase students' enthusiasm for pure art.
Labor veterans, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the family of knowledge since its inception, have spared no effort and guidance.
This year the university turns 10 years old. A university that has overcome each of these decade-long milestones with unrecognizable work and great success has a long way to go.
Abdimaulen BERDYSHEV, Rector of the University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Philology is a wonderful world in itself. I was very excited when this faculty was opened at the university and I was assigned to lead it. It was ten years ago. A year later, in the 1999-2000 academic year, associate professor A. Altybaeva became the head of the department. Philological education of youth is in full swing. M. Irsymbetov, L. Abenova and N. Kadyrbaev contributed to the revitalization of the faculty.
Today the faculty, which unites two departments "Kazakh language" and "Languages", is headed by Associate Professor L. Abenova.
The tradition of national pedagogy is firmly rooted here. The department "Kazakh language and literature", which is headed by the well-known writer in the country N. Kadyrbaev, multiple winner of the newspaper "Ana Tili", sprinter of journalism, implements new programs. The recognition of the head of the department as the best writer in the region raised the prestige of the university.
Special seminars such as "Abay Studies", "Mukhtartanu", "Kazakh Historical Novels", "Oratory" were organized at a high level.
Literary associations "Zhas tilshi", "Zhas kalamger" offer great opportunities for strengthening the creative abilities of students at the university. All these measures will deepen the theoretical level of the department, as well as the teaching staff and expand the cognitive space.
Kudaibergen ZHIDEBAEV, teacher of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
The Faculty of Sports and Biology was founded in 2000 as part of the «Syrdariya» University. In 2001 the specialty "Biology" was separated into a separate faculty. It has become one of the leading faculties of the university with a qualified teaching staff and a material and technical base at the required level. In the 2005 academic year, it merged with the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, and the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Due to high demand, it was separated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and reorganized in 2006 into the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. During this time, the department was headed by professors: associate professors Sh. Ibragimov, U. Altayev, G. Beisenova. Since 2006, the faculty is headed by the associate professor of the University R. Kashkarov.
Educational and research work at the faculty is carried out at a high level by 3 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of sciences, 9 senior teachers and 6 teachers. Using modern credit technology, they provide students with a modern education.
The Department of Biology is now a large department of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.
In the first half of the 2007-2008 academic year, new spectrophotometers, biological agents, chemical reagents, laboratory equipment were received: a highly efficient electric distiller, an electric dry air thermostat, electronic high-precision electronic scales BL, model C 830 P, pH meter, model 6300 with high permits for various biological and chemical laboratory studies. New tools, reagents, various visual aids, laboratory equipment are required for the educational process.
Today's equipment of laboratories of human anatomy and physiology, zoology, botany, chemistry and ecology is satisfactory. The level of provision with textbooks and teaching aids in disciplines, laboratory and practical classes taught at the department is satisfactory. The material and technical base of the department is constantly replenished due to requests, research and the influence of the university administration.
J. BATKAEV, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
One of the fundamental faculties of the «Syrdariya» University is the Faculty of History. In 1998, it was renamed the Department of Historical and Social Sciences. Since its inception, the department has been headed by qualified and experienced scientists and teachers. Initially, the department was headed by associate professor K. Karazhigitova, then associate professors O. Altayev, R. Zharkynbaeva, S. Mamyraimov, professor M.Kh. Asylbekov. In the 2004-2005 academic year, the department was renamed into historical and geographical, and since 2005, the department of history has been headed by the candidate of historical sciences S. Apasheva.
Also, research work is organized at the department. The head of the department, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Kazakhstan, Professor Malik-Haydar Asylbekov has many examples. Published 150 scientific papers, including 5 monographs. Professors and teachers of the department: Aytbay Tlesov, Sabira Apasheva, Serik Mamyraimov, Aliyash Duysekova successfully defended their candidate dissertations and received the title of candidate of sciences.
Educational and methodical work of the department has been organized. The professors and teachers of the department have developed a methodological complex (Syllabus) for 56 disciplines, 25 textbooks.
Archaeological excavations, organized by the department with the participation of students of the specialty "History", were carried out on the site of the medieval cities of Uturtobe, Shyngystobe (Sutkent).
In a word, the history faculty of the Syrdariya University is the main guarantee of preserving the cultural heritage for the future of the country.
S. APASHEVA, head of the department of history, candidate of historical sciences.
In the 21st century, it is clear that a country that has failed to develop education will find itself in a dead end. “We must achieve the provision of quality educational services at the level of world standards throughout the country,” the President said in his Address to the people “New Kazakhstan in a new world”.
It is known that the country pays special attention to education, reforms are carried out in accordance with the requirements of civilized countries, as a result, the effectiveness of educational work in educational institutions has increased.
The education system has become a measure of social development at the global level. The training of qualified specialists through quality education is a modern requirement.
Attempts to switch to international educational standards are reflected in the Syrdariya University.
The main goal of the transition of the educational process in higher education to the system of credit education is to give professionals the opportunity to be in demand and competitive in the world. The credit education system requires the active participation of the student in the educational process, constant preparation for independent work, increased responsibility of the teacher for his subject, constant search.
The credit system of education is a system of daily control widely used in leading universities in the world and providing modern innovative technologies for organizing the educational process.
It should be noted that the advantage of this system is that it encourages students to participate in the educational process on a daily and active basis, allowing each student to learn how to create a program to their liking by studying selected subjects and mastering alternative courses. In addition to facilitating the rapid development of educational programs through pre-disbursing loans, it also allows them to develop creatively and improve their ability to self-seek.
Serik MAMYRAIMOV, head of the educational department of the "Syrdariya" university, candidate of historical sciences.
«Syrdariуa» University was established on July 27, 1998 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today «Syrdariya» University is one of the largest universities in the country with a wide range of traditions. The university carries out training according to the new techno-credit system in accordance with the requirements of the qualification standard for universal compulsory education.
The university has the following faculties: "Philology", "Humanities", "Physics and Mathematics", "Economic Education", "Distance Learning", "Chemistry and Biology", "Art", "Physical Culture and Sports".
In addition, there is the “Art” school, a preparatory department for the Kazakh diaspora abroad (repatriates). Graduates are awarded a state diploma of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Our address:
South Kazakhstan region, Makhtaral district, Zhetysay city, M.Auezov street, 11.
Phones: 8 (72534) 6-30-00, 6-14-63
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