“Syrdariya” University has great prospects
The development of education and science, which is the basis for the country's development, will always be on the agenda. The annual messages of the President, along with the demands to improve the education system, also indicate the directions of development.
One of the main requirements for ensuring the entry of Kazakhstan into the world educational space is international accreditation of specialties. This means that the specialties that have passed the accreditation procedure and the diplomas of young people who graduated from these specialties are recognized and recognized abroad.
Today, the university staff prepares about 5 thousand useful personnel for the country in 25 bachelor's and 8 master's specialties in accordance with the state license.
A lot of work has been done over the past ten years. In particular, the material and technical base has been strengthened, educational buildings, student palaces and dormitories have been modernized, taking into account modern requirements. In this regard, we can say with confidence that our University "Syrdariya" is one of the leading non-state educational institutions.
In December 2008, our university won the state nomination "Paryz".
The country's president has visited the developing university on several occasions. This memorable historical event is important for future generations. Today the President pays attention to non-state educational institutions.
On January 20, 2009, a meeting of the expanded academic council took place at our university. Structural changes have taken place at the university thanks to international accreditation.
Specialties tested: biology, chemistry, computer science, physics and economics. The administration plans to spend $ 500,000 on these activities, including the purchase of new laboratories and equipment.
Of course, the existing practical problems cannot be solved with the material and technical base, beautiful buildings and libraries. Today there is a need for quality education for the younger generation.
To become a world-class university, all of the university's work must be tested and comply with the Berlin 16 principles. For example, the scientific level of professors and teachers, international relations and other requirements.
The administration of "Syrdariya" University will continue to do good deeds for this purpose.
This university, located in Myrzashol, has great prospects.
A. ASHIROV, Rector of the University "Syrdariya"
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