An interesting and attractive anniversary at the university
The holiday curtain opened the "Secret Box"
A series of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of “Syrdariya” University has been held for some time.
One of the most striking manifestations of this was the opening of the jubilee with the premiere of the drama "Akberen" of the student youth theater "Syr Sandyk".
The drama of Sherkhan Murtaza according to the legend “One World Less” was performed by students at a high level, which was reflected in the enthusiasm of the audience and the warm words of the guests.
The author of Sherkhan's drama is Aizhan Kyz, the director is Kazhybai Aitibaev, the organizer of the theater is Lazzat Abenova, the assistant is Ermekbai Yermakhan.
Roles in the play: Jacket - Nazerke Musa, Akberen - Ulzhalgas Anarbek, Hunters - Daniyarovich Abylai, Ikram Marat, Mother - Aydar Bayan, Wolves - Ermekbai Yermakhan, Esenbek Erkegali, Alibek Nurdaulet, Akhmetov Ibragimgimbek, Zhigimbek.
According to the plot, the baby abandoned by the mother lives among the wolves.
The fate of Akberen, who lived in the midst of tears and considered himself an inseparable brother, is revealed in the drama in a new way with the help of young actors.
The article “7 edges of the Great Steppe”, published as a logical continuation of the recent article by Elbasy “Spiritual Revival: Orientation to the Future”, is devoted to the genesis of the Turkic world.
The project "Turkic civilization: from roots to modern times" should be implemented. The anniversary initiative of the Student Youth Theater is a prerequisite for the implementation of the President's program.
At the end of the premiere, Onalbai Ayashev, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Turkestan Regional Maslikhat made a speech with the words: “Happy anniversary to all of you! Since the play is a "drama", it is very difficult. The author of the drama, a recently published great scientist, unfortunately passed away. Only talented people can create such works. Fate does not give such great happiness to a random person.
... Theater is a very complex concept. This is the highest point of culture, without which it is impossible. There are people who don’t watch and don’t like theater, they don’t see what it is in life, they don’t know what it is. In Europe, especially in Moscow, to visit such a show, you need to buy a ticket two or three months in advance. The viewer waits two to three months to go to the theater, he dresses beautifully when he comes, comes an hour or two earlier and shows himself. He drinks coffee and meets people he has never met. He considers it a great honor".
... When I go abroad, I want to go to the theater first. I've been to many countries. I have seen several theaters. But the culture of this theater, the enthusiasm of the audience cannot be compared with Muscovites. Muscovites see it as something wonderful, ”he said, noting that in the future all conditions will be created for students.
The honorary guest of the anniversary, the President of the Association of Universities also spoke. Congratulating the staff of the university, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich noted that today the university is not inferior to any other educational institution and emphasizes the talents of young people: “... If we create conditions for young people, we will have many talented children. Watching this show. I thought they were specially invited artists from Almaty. There is no doubt that there will be a great actor in the future. It can be in the hands of the director".
Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, had a great influence on the formation of the student youth theater "Syr Sandyk". This is due to the fact that this work will never lose its relevance on the education of talented youth at the university through the theater, the development of their worldview, the upbringing of sympathizers of the nation with a high spiritual culture.
A bacteriological laboratory was opened.
One of the events held within the framework of the anniversary program is the opening of a bacteriological laboratory.
President of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich and the founder of the “Syrdariya” University, doctor of pedagogy, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy of the Turkestan Regional Maslikhat Ayashev Onalbai Ayashevich, solemnly opened a new bacteriological laboratory is an indicator of innovation in modern education.
The purpose of opening the laboratory is related to technological assurance of drinking water quality by detecting microbes and bacteria in drinking water.
The bacteriological laboratory is equipped with all the necessary normative and regulatory documents governing the requirements for monitoring and measurements, fully equipped with the necessary modern testing and measuring equipment.
Water is the source of life. Undoubtedly, this facility, which contributes to the quality of drinking water, will become the basis for unique research in the future.
Sports facility opened
Thanks to the commitment of the President in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018 to increase the availability of mass sports and physical culture, the university is doing a lot of good deeds today.
One of them is the opening of the “Nazar” sports ground as part of the anniversary.
President of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions, doctor of economics, professor, Academician Rahman Alshanov Alshanov and founder of the “Syrdariya” University, doctor of pedagogy, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences Ayashev Onalbai Ayashevich solemnly opened a new sports ground.
In addition, the head of the Department of Law and Economics, doctor of economics, professor B.Serikov, one of the first graduates of the University of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports", director of the secondary school named after N.Ondasynov Askarov Sarsen Erbosynovich conveyed their congratulations.
The guests of the solemn meeting also got acquainted with the sports facilities of the university.
It is clear that the “Nazar” sports ground will become the basis for improving the healthy lifestyle of students in the future.
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