"Syrdariya" University hosted an online webinar "Honesty - an open area for dialogue"
"Syrdariya" University, which is already a quarter century old, on June 10, 2020 at 11:00 organized an online webinar entitled "Honesty - a platform for open dialogue." About 70 listeners took part in the interview: compatriots, intellectuals, students and special guests!
Moderator of the online conversation "Honesty is an open dialogue platform": Abenova Lyazzat Usmanovna - Scientific Secretary of the "Syrdariya" University, Candidate of Philological Sciences
1. Ayashev Onalbay - deputy of the Turkestan regional maslikhat, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK;
2. Tazhibaev Beisen - First Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of the Nur Otan party in the Turkestan region;
3. Alshanov Rahman - President of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economics, Professor;
4. Aibek Shilmanov - head of the public service department of the Turkestan region;
5. Mukhamedzhan Yerbolat - Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6. Kargabay Miras - First Deputy Head of the Office of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-corruption Service) for the Turkestan region;
7. Gulzhan Sugirbaeva - acting Rector of SKGPU, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
8. Zhunusov Toyim - public figure, chairman of the Public Council of Zhetysai district;
9. Serik Mamraimov - rector of the "Syrdariya" University, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor;
10. Bektemis Meyrhan - Chairman of the Union of Students of the University of "Syrdariya".
“Honesty is an open platform for dialogue” adheres to integrity.
The basic principle:
- Eliminate in society the idea that money must be allocated to solve the problem.
- Elimination of bribery in moral relations. Prevention of bribery, false opinions, false promises, getting rid of laziness;
- open action is the main principle;
- development and formation of anti-corruption behavior of the population, especially youth.
- “Pure session”, “Conscious generation”, “Reason”, “Ethics” through the call of people to unite, shoot videos, share on social networks, share ideas, analyze.
Honesty is a precious quality of human nature.
Honesty is a characteristic of a person’s personality and moral personality. This is not an inborn concept, it is formed in society in the process of moral education, upbringing and honest work of each person. Honesty is a virtue that enhances reputation.
“Honesty” is a valuable, noble quality of a person. One of the main dimensions of human value. “Honesty” - sincerity, constancy, true devotion to one’s business.
The purpose of the online interview is to reflect on the principles of openness, transparency, integrity, the formation of an anti-corruption culture and to increase the country's confidence in the institution of public administration, youth trust in the framework of the “Integrity Square” project. Due to lack of time, interviews were scheduled for 50 academic minutes. According to the rules, each speaker was given 3-4 minutes. WhatsApp had two phones, and the interlocutors recorded their current questions.
Onalbay Ayashevich, founder of the "Syrdariya" University, speaking first: “As you know, a new project called“ Square of Honesty ”is being implemented in the country. This is a new anti-corruption model. The project will increase public confidence in the government. Currently, the “Honesty Square” in the country is doing an excellent job.
In our country, special attention is paid to the formation of an anti-corruption culture and behavior, strengthening public control, as well as eliminating the causes and conditions that cause corruption.
"Syrdariya" University is also supporting this new project. In the life of the university there are many events. I am happy to share my thoughts directly with you, face to face. In the future, as one of the country's most popular universities, the project “Honesty - an open platform for dialogue” will provide a deep acquaintance with the life of "Syrdariya" University, where current issues of science and education in Kazakhstan will be discussed. I am sure that this will become a platform for discussing communication.
Other speakers shared their thoughts and significant opinions.
The moderator of the online interview Lyazzat Usmanovna summed up the results of the 50-minute conversation, with the following words: I am sure that your wise advice will inspire listeners of today's conversation and become spiritual food! As the thinker Shakarim Haji said, “Satisfy everyone and work honestly!”
"Syrdariya" University wishes peace to the people of the country. Let us work and live honestly in an honest society. See you at the "Square of Honesty" University "Syrdariya"!
I urge all compatriots to be honest, reasonable, patient, calm and be together! "