Passed interdisciplinary Olympiad among school leavers
On April 27, 2018, a regional interdisciplinary olympiad among school leavers was held, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the University of "Syrdariya". The Olympiad was organized with the aim of stimulating the educational and cognitive skills of gifted pupils, defining subject knowledge, developing interest in science.
About 700 pupils in 15 directions took part in the Olympiad. According to the program of the Olympiad the participants were registered in the "Student Palace of Kazakhstan" and took part in the opening ceremony. All tasks were fulfilled in accordance with the conditions of each direction.
On the basis of the final results of the Olympiad the following winners were awarded:
In the direction of "The Future Biologist - 2018":
I place - the pupil of school-gymnasium Daryn Mahmedjan Dosmukhamed;
ІІ place - the pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Aldan Erdaulet, the pupil of school named after Titov Myrzakul Ayakoz;
ІІІ place - student of the school named after T. Ryskulov Abish Aiseri, pupil of K. Darimbayev's school Baltabai Aizhan, pupil of the school named after B. Momyshuly Asiltai Asylbek.
In the direction of "Future geographer - 2018":
І place - the pupil of school №123 Alimkul Sambat;
2nd place - pupil of the gymnasium Daryn Nurbek Zhanar, pupil of the I.Zhansugirov's school Musakhan Balnur.
The third place is the student of the school-gymnasium Turan Kurbanova Gulzinat, the pupil of the school named after B.Momyshuly Erkinbekyzy Madina, the pupil of the gymnasium Daryn Satylkhan Kumisbek.
In the direction of "World of Fashion-2018":
1st place - student of the I.Zhansugirov school Alaidar Aruzhan;
ІІ place - pupil of M.Mametov's school Berdikul Nurgul, pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Faizulla Dinara;
ІІІ place - pupil of M.Mametov's school Akbarova Aizhan, pupil of Y. Gagarin school Amangeldy Ainur, pupil of Bolashak school Ualikhan Ainur.
In the direction of "Young athlete - 2018":
1st place - a pupil of the school named after S.Kozhanov, Makhai Asylbek;
Second place - student of the Myrzashol school Kemal Ermakhan, pupil of the I.Zhansugirov school Sriyl Seraly;
The third place is the pupil of the Al Farabi school Abulov Arslanbek, the pupil of the school Yntymak Kaliev Nurzhan, the pupil of the school No. 121 Slamkul Zhanbolat.
In the direction of "Young Artist - 2018":
І place - pupil of school №124 Nurymova Koisynay;
ІІ place - pupil of the Titov school Ikyat Nursayt;
ІІІ place - pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Karatay Almat.
In the direction of "Young Programmer - 2018":
ІІ place - pupil of the school named after Y.Esenbekov Sulei Symbat;
ІІІ place-pupil of school №123 Shamsutdin Asem.
Towards the "Secret of the word":
1st place - pupil of the school Ulgili Perdebai Eraly;
Second place - pupil of the school-gymnasium named after B.Momyshuly Perdebai Yersultan, pupil of M.Tokzhigitova school Zholdasbek Kuantai;
ІІІ place - pupil of the school named after N. Ismailov Kudaibergen Nurgul, pupil of the school named after T. Aubakirov Mahanbetov Zhadyr
In the direction of "Young mathematician - 2018":
1st place - pupil of the school Daryn Kadyrkulov Zhenis;
Second place - pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Nietbek Bakdalet, pupil of M.Utemisuly school Ahmet Zhuldyz;
ІІІ - pupil of M.Auezov's school Absamat Zhandos, a pupil of the school named after Zh. Suleimenov Derbis Zarina
In the direction of "The Power of Art":
1st place - pupil of the school Asyk ata Begaly Yerdos;
Second place - pupil of the Gagarin school Asenov Diyas, pupil of the school named after N.Ismayilov Musa Bekzhan;
3rd place - a pupil of the Maktaly-5 school Myrzamurat Ualikhan, a pupil of the M.Mametov school Amirkhan Aysapar
In the direction of "Interesting Psychology":
1st place - pupil of school-gymnasium Daryn Kurmanbek Aknur;
Second place is the student of the school Myrzashol Askarbekkizy Akdidar, a pupil of the school named after M.Utemisuly Ibrahim Akerke;
ІІІ place - pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Nietbek Saparkul, pupil of A.Baitursynov school Nalibaeva Meruert.
In the direction of "Young historian - 2018":
1st place - pupil of the school named after Zh. Suleimenov Mombekova Balgerim.
The second place is the pupil of the M.Mametov school Akhan Aruzhan, the pupil of the school Daryn Kabylbek Maksat.
The third place is the pupil of the school Nurly zhol Ayazbekova Ayazhan, the student of the school Turan Aytugan Azamat, the pupil of the school No. 114 Karim Oralbek.
In the direction of "Tіldaryn":
1st place - pupil of the school-gymnasium named after B.Momyshuly Bekbolat Gaziz;
2nd place - pupil of school-gymnasium Daryn Makhan Aruzhan, pupil of school-gymnasium named after B.Momyshuly Ruslan Rauan;
ІІІ place - a pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Nalibay Dinara, a pupil of school-gymnasium Daryn Abdigappar Akbota, Turganbai Aidana.
In the direction of "Words, words, words ...":
1st place - pupil of the school named after Titov Kudaibergen Fatima;
Second place - pupil of school # 13 Kovelchuk Olga Anatolyovna, pupil of Daryn school Isakova Yerkezhan;
The third place is the pupil of N.Ondasynov's school Kayberen Zhuldyzai, Orynbasar Zhuldyz, the pupil of Sh. Zarina school-grammar school named after B.Momyshuly.
In the direction of "Young Physicist-2018":
1st place - pupil of the school Daryn Meirbek Kazybek;
Second place is the pupil of I.Zhansugirov's school Aitbai Azhar, a pupil of Nurly Zhol school Sattar Erdaulet;
In the direction of "Young Chemist-2018":
1st place - pupil of the school Daryn Nurbay Ademi;
Second place - pupil of the school of gymnasium named after B.Momyshuly Nurzhaubek Uldana, pupil of I.Panfilov's school Bosin Madina;
The concert program for participants of the regional Olympiad gave the students a festive mood.