Alash reading
On November 25, 2021, the Syrdariya University hosted an international round table "The idea of Alash and independence: continuity and lessons learned" within the framework of the international forum "30 years of Independence: strengthening a rational system of national development" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence.
The event, which was organized by the Department of History of the Fatherland and Abroad (head of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Apasheva Sabira), was attended by professors and students of the Syrdaria University, Vice-Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kurmanov Zainidin Karpekovich, Professor of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Candidate of Historical Sciences Pasilov Bakhodir Abdullaevich, Professor Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Doctor of Political Sciences Bakir Abdijalel Koshkarovich, Chief Researcher at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after S. Valikhanova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kudaibergenova Aizhamal Ibragimovna and senior teacher of the specialized boarding school "Daryn" in Zhetysai, Master of Science, the best teacher Moldadosova Altynai Kaipovna. The moderator of the international round table was the Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Meirbekov Myrzabay Baltabaevich.
Opening the international roundtable, the moderator briefly noted the historical significance of the Alash movement on the way to independence, the essence of the Alash idea, its modern transformation and the realization of the dream of Alash lions with our independence. Speaker of the Kyrgyz Republic ZK Karpekov made a report on "Turar Ryskulov and Yusup Abdrakhmanov: lessons of friendship and brotherhood." It was about the truly friendly relations between the great Kazakh son, famous statesman Turar Ryskulov and the Kyrgyz people's leader Zhusup Abdrakhmanov, the brotherhood of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz peoples in the critical hours of history. Uzbek historian BA Pasilov's report "Turkestan Autonomy and Alash" spoke about the historical significance of the establishment of Turkestan autonomy, its relations with Alash figures and the issues of Turkic unity in general. Speaking on "Mustafa Shokai on an independent nation-state", AK Bakir told about the struggle of this great figure for the interests of the nation and Turkic unity. The speaker also shared his thoughts on independence. Professor AIKudaibergenova "Kazakhstan in the twentieth century. 20-30s A New Approach to the History of Famine and Refugee ” The speaker AK Moldadosova spoke about the history of the Alash movement in modern secondary schools and its achievements and shortcomings. In the end, a young teacher of the Department of "History of the Fatherland and Abroad" Nurmakhan Shyntayev shared his thoughts on the independence of the country and the lions of Alash.
The leader of the Alash Lions said that the Alash Lions played a significant role in the revival of our statehood and the country's achievement of such a happy day. and the national spirit, patriotism and patriotism, great perseverance and struggle should be an example for today's Kazakh people, especially the younger generation, and the lessons of the history of Alash are here. Thus, this educational event, which came to an end, raised the patriotic and national spirit of its participants and gave them spiritual pleasure.