University and school: cooperation in the field of education
The Department of Human Development of the Zhetysai district of the school-gymnasium No. 11 "Zhenis" with the support of the University of "Syrdariуa" held a republican scientific and practical conference on December 21, 2021 on the topic "30 years of Independence of Kazakhstan: modern educational potential and achievements of a school teacher."
The conference was attended by representatives of educational institutions of the region: school principals, deputy school principals, psychology teachers, teachers of the Syrdariya University.
The events planned in accordance with the conference program were successful. The plenary session heard reports on a dozen topical issues. The strategic development plan of the university obliges to create a pedagogical community that will introduce a system of lifelong education. Currently, the department has branches in educational institutions. The branch of the department "Philology" is located in the school-gymnasium №11 "Zhenis".
For the nation, for the future of the nation, the conference at the national level, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence, is the first initiative among the educational institutions of the region. The conference took place in an atmosphere of cooperation, brotherhood and closeness. The issue of shared values in education was raised, which created a new direction and breakthrough among school teachers.
We thank the staff of the school-gymnasium No. 11 "Zhenis" and its director Gulzhan Turarbekovna for a wonderful meeting!