Faculty "Primary Education and Art"

Konakbaeva Ulzhamal Zhandaralievna
Dean of the Faculty,
Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, docen
Phone: +7 702 901 5201
E-mail: f-ped@tashenev.edu.kz
About the composition of the faculty
The faculty consists of 4 departments: “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, "Preschool education and psychology", “Design” and "Music and song".
Description of the facultyThe Faculty of Art, established in 2003 on the basis of pedagogical and artistic specialties of Syrdarya University, has now been transformed into the Faculty of Primary Education and Art and continues its activities. Despite the fact that over the years of its creation, this faculty has changed its name several times, the composition of educational programs, it was headed by senior lecturer Ashimova M., Ph.D., Associate Professor K. Baymakhanov, Ph.D. L. Myrzabek, Ph.D. D.S. Bolysbayev, associate Professor U.A. Saparbayeva. Along with the proper organization of educational work, they created the material and technical base of the faculty, paid great attention to the education of young professionals who came to teaching. At the same time, a cohesive team was formed, firmly adhering to the principles of morality and respect for each other.
Since 2023, PhD, Associate Professor Ulzhamal Zhandaralievna Konakbayeva has been working as the dean of the Faculty of Primary Education and Art. To date, the faculty is doing a lot of work on the organization of educational affairs, the education of students, the training of specialists of high professional level, strengthening the material and technical base of the faculty, the establishment of research work, the opening of new specialties.
The scientific potential of the faculty is at a high level: 4 professors, 3 doctors of sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD doctors, 6 associate professors, 2 cultural figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 members of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Eurasia, 5 best teachers of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 senior teachers, 17 master teachers.
The educational process at the faculty is organized according to modern educational technologies in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. To teach students according to the credit system, the faculty conducts systematic work on filling the book fund with educational and methodological literature, introducing new innovative technologies into the learning processes, informatization and computerization of the educational process. All departments have computer classes connected to the Internet via a corporate node.
The departments within the Faculty of "Primary Education and Art" train pedagogical and highly qualified personnel in bachelor's and master's degree educational programs, such as "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", "Preschool education and Upbringing", "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Training of teachers of art work and drawing", "Training of teachers of music and "Design". Since the establishment of the faculty, more than eight thousand highly qualified specialists have been trained for secondary and vocational schools of the region and the city.
Currently, the faculty has 5 lecture halls, 15 classrooms, 2 sewing workshops and 1 workshop of decorative and applied arts, 1 office of inclusive education, 1 computer classroom, 1 reading room, 4 departments, 2 dean's offices.
The Faculty of Philology and Humanities prepares specialists for the following educational programs:
Undergraduate programs:
1. 6В01101- "Pedagogy and Psychology"
2. 6В01201- "Pedagogy of preschool education and training"
3. 6В01301- "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"
Master's programs:
1. 7M01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology"
2. 7M01301 - "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"
Faculty contacts
160500, Turkestan region, Zhetysai district, Zhetysai city, Auezov street, 11.
Phone: +7 707 570 93 74
E-mail: meyrbekov2020@mail.ru
Presentations for other educational programs https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Kte4/38HHU96CL
1. Educational-methodical complex in disciplines (2-3 disciplines) 2. An individual teacher's plan 3. Report of the department on research, research work 4. Documents on advanced training of teachers, including abroad 5. Information about the employment of graduates 6. List of teachers' publications 7. List of educational and methodological literature issued by the teaching staff 8. Practice agreements 9. Protocols of agreement with employers of elective disciplines 10. Report on international cooperation 11. Information on interaction with employers 12. Specialized rooms and laboratories of the educational program (name, purpose, equipment, needs) 13. Orders for the approval of theses of thesis, scientific advisers and reviewers 14. Graduate thesis 15. Plan of methodical work of the department 16. Plan of educational work of the department 17. Protocols of analysis of open classes |
1. 6В01101- "Pedagogy and Psychology" 2. 6В01201- "Pedagogy of preschool education and training" 3. 6В01301- "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" 4.6В01601-Training history teachers 5.6В01701-Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature 6.6B01702-Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages 7.6В01703-Training of teachers of the Russian language and literature 8. 6В03201- "Librarianship" |
1. Educational program "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"https://youtu.be/ycUHsEVbt1k
2. Educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology" https://youtu.be/9hkrG7jGW2g
3. Educational program "Training of teachers of history"https://youtu.be/gth-_87f_H0
4. Educational program "Kazakh language and literature" https://youtu.be/DfG1rEwKngQ
5. Educational program 6B01702-Foreign language: training teachers of two foreign languages https://youtu.be/aNfTGb15y3I
6. About the faculty "Philology and Humanities Education": https://youtu.be/UikoiGQgjiM
7. About the department "Pedagogy and Psychology": https://youtu.be/ZOoHjf8RNJo
8. About the department "Foreign languages": https://youtu.be/iSs6KpiFNvQ
9. About the department "Domestic and foreign history": https://youtu.be/bwU69hvxlQA
10. About the department "Philology": https://youtu.be/aZMrWgK3nC4
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