Zauresh Oralova: "Modern requirements - education in a new format"
It is known that the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Kemelovich Tokayev noted the need to pay special attention to systematic distance education. In order to get acquainted with the activities of the University "Syrdarya", which is working in this direction, we interviewed the head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Master of Science, Senior Lecturer Zauresh Oralova.
- Zauresh Mekenbayevna, it is known that today the education sector faces complex, important and meaningful tasks on the transformation of higher education institutions into digital universities. In the age of digital technologies and in the current situation, the transition of universities to distance learning is a modern requirement. What measures are being taken on this issue?
- It is true that the transfer of higher education to distance learning, including all forms of distance learning, is one of the concrete steps taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus, which is slowly spreading around the world. We all know that the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov said that the country's universities are ready for distance learning. According to the Minister, distance learning is enough for universities in Kazakhstan. There is a technical possibility for distance learning of students and the speed of the Internet is sufficient.
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