Republican scientific and practical conference "New Kazakhstan: Youth and Science"
Dear students and young scientists!
We invite you to take part in the work of the VІІІ republican scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "New Kazakhstan: youth and science", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation - Akhmet Baitursynov, which will be held on April 15, 2022.
The purpose of the conference: to develop the creative activity of students and young scientists, to provide an opportunity to independently present the results of their work, to gain experience in speaking to an audience, publicly discussing scientific results.
The main sections of the conference:
◊ Section 1. Arts and Humanities;
◊ Section 2. Pedagogical Sciences;
◊ Section 3. Natural sciences;
◊ Section 4. Business, management and law.
Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Articles will be published in the conference proceedings. Applications are accepted until April 13, 2022. by e-mail Email: (it is necessary to send a photocopy or a scanner of payment for adding an article to the collection).
Bank details for payment:
RNN 580400006905
IIN 980340002287
Code 17
JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
Meken zhaiy: Zhetisai қ., M.Auezov k., 11
Tel: 8(72534) 6-20-41
Requirements for articles submitted for publication in the Proceedings of the Student Conference of the University "Syrdariya":
1. The article must be typed in the editor: Microsoft Word
2. Page format A 4
3. Margins: top - 2cm, bottom - 2cm, left - 3cm, right - 2cm
4. Font size:
text of the article - 11 p.
formulas - 11 p.
list of references - 10 p.
5. Font type: Times New Roman, Kz Times New Roman
6. Line spacing - 1 (justified)
7. Payment for the article - 3000 tenge.
8. Telephone for information 8 (72534) 6-26-93, +7 707 323-46-08.
Republican scientific-practical conference "New Kazakhstan: youth and science"