Zorzhanova Aisulu Asilovna

Name: Zorzhanova Aisulu Asilovna

Phone: 8(72534) 6-14-63

E-mail: info@sirdariya.kz

1. Education: Master of History, teacher
2. Disciplines: modern history of Europe, America, modern history of Europe, America, history of the Middle Ages (West), teacher of modern history of Asia, Africa.
3. Academic experience:
Diploma of higher education: "Syrdarya" University, teacher of history and geography, 2004
K.A. IKTU named after Yasawi, Master of History, 2008
4. Non-academic experience: No.
5. Previous jobs in educational institutions:
From 2004 to 2007 he worked as a teacher of history and geography at the University "Syrdarya".
From 2007 to 2020 he was engaged in private entrepreneurship.
6. Professional development: Professional competence in teaching history and current issues in the field of education, Research Center for Education and Innovative Information Technologies, Almaty, 15.12.2020
7. Membership in professional organizations: no
8. Awards and prizes: no
9. Publications and presentations:
1. Some ways to develop students' critical thinking in the history of Kazakhstan. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Bulletin.-2020.№3 (66)
Some methodological issues of teaching the national liberation uprising led by Kenesary Khan Science and life of Kazakhstan International scientific-popular journal. - 2018. №3