Tlegenova Zhamila Kalenovna

Full name: Zhamila Kalenovna Tlegenova

Higher: 1987-1992 Republican Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature


1992-1993 ssh im. O. Bapysheva Zhetysay - teacher of Russian language and literature
1996-2001 ssh im. ZhenisMakhtaaral district - teacher of Russian language and literature
2001-2002 Miras University - Russian language teacher
2002-2005 KazGUU - translator of Russian-Kazakh languages
2006-2022 Yuku them. M. Auezova - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of State and Law
2021 - JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" - teacher of Russian language and literature.
List of taught disciplines
1.Russian language
2. History of Russian literature of the 1st half of the 19th century
3. Methods of teaching the Russian language
4. Methods of teaching literature
Refresher courses in the specialty Russian language. (72 hours)

2017: Advanced training in the module "Information and Communication Technologies" in the total amount of 54 hours
Advanced training on the module "Effective teacher" in the total amount of 54 hours
2017: Advanced training "Making the Most of English Plus Kazakh edition (methodology, teaching skills and CLIL)".
Scientific publications:
2018 : Mastering professional knowledge in the process of teaching the Russian language at the Medical University (Forum of young scientists)
2018 : Organization of continuous language teaching in medical university (World Science)
2019 : Structural-semantic features of computer terminology in the modern English (ICITE)
2020 : The use of educational Internet resources in the process of teaching the Russian language (Qazaqtany)